Today is Going to Suck - Chapter 1

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The rain lightly pitter patters against the broken roof of the abandoned shed making an almost relaxing noise drowning out the low rumble of my stomach. My watch flashes 8:42 am, a long groan escapes as I shift under my blanket trying to find a more comfortable position to sleep. It is too fucking early to be awake. I pulled my backpack further under my head. Everything I owed was in this bag and it sure as hell didn't make a comfy pillow but it's all I got. I roll over to my other side but sleep is refusing to come. Fuck, groaning I sit up cracking my stiff bones back into place before slipping on my worn red converse. The things were on their last legs barely holding together at the seams. I stuffed my blanket behind the cabinet making it look as if no one had ever been here. This was the way it had to be.

The lights of the apartment building dimly lit the cloudy morning, the rain provided the perfect cover as I sneaked out of the shed. I have almost been caught a couple times but nobody ever uses the shed and I don't want to find a new place to sleep again.

My shoes splash in the puddles of rain as I move through the shadows towards the entrance to the subway tunnel. Using the last few dollars I have I get a bag of Doritos from the vending machine in a bitter attempt to silence my aching stomach. Not the most healthy breakfast but it was all I could afford at the moment. After two years of living on New York City streets I was accustomed to living off what little scraps I could get.

I don't need to wait for my eyes to adjust to the sudden darkness of the tunnel. Diving into the throngs of people milling around. I casually swipe a subway card of a man standing in line to go through the gate. I had stopped feeling bad for the people I stole from long ago, whoever they were, though I did try not to steal from who clearly needed it.

The subway is crowded with people on their way to their desk jobs, everyone is pressed together tightly listening to music and not making eye contact with anyone. Nobody is going to notice the 5'9 average man in a sweatshirt and jeans with his hood up. It is a perfect cover, someone no one would ever remember and if they did that description matches hundreds of people in the city. A light smirk plays across my face as the man in front of me pulls back his sleeve to check his watch, a gold watch. This guy chose the wrong day to ride the subway. I lightly slip my hand into his pocket feeling for a wallet. Nothing. Fuck, everyone uses their phones to pay now so it is becoming harder to actually find a wallet with a decent amount of money.

The robotic voice announces that we have come to the final destination and everyone must exit. My heart sinks as I exit the subway into the dim light station. I am as poor now as I was when I got on. Not really the best way to start the day.

I pull my hood lower as I exit out into the morning sun. The rain has slowed at least leaving the city covered in a misty fog. I stifle a yawn looking around for some direction to go. Time Square stretches out in front of me. People brush past me threatening to run me over if I don't get out of the way. If I could I would leave New York City I would but I needed the protection that a crowded city provided.

Flopping down on a park bench I check my watch, 9:47 am. My stomach starts growling louder but I try to ignore it.

A wave of hope breaks through my sea of despair. A crowd of tourists armed with cameras and sunny dementors were heading down the path towards me. Two men walked just behind them wisely, giving the tourists a wide berth. One with striking blonde hair the other with long brown hair, both dressed in long sleeve shirts and jeans. Neither of them could be much older than me and from the way they are dressed they probably have cash on them. Not drawing attention to myself I swing my legs off the bench stretching. I can practically see the blonde's wallet in his pocket. My stomach knotted at the idea that I'd finally be able to eat. This better fucking work.

Keeping my head down I joined the tourists walking in their direction. Just as we are about to cross paths I pretend to be distracted by something walking right into the surprised blonde knocking the man onto his back. With an apologetic smile I lean down to make sure he is okay.

"Hey man, sorry about that. Are you alright? That was totally my fault. I didn't pay attention to where I was going." apologizing I helped the blonde man to his feet. He is several inches taller than me and for a minute our eyes met. Holy shit this man has the most blue eyes I have ever seen. In the split second we are close I quickly snatch his wallet tucking it into the pocket of my hoodie.

The brown gives me a suspicious look as the blonde dusts himself off "No harm down. Caught me off guard for a minute." My God they are hot. Snap out of it Max you just robbed the guy, I mentally kick myself trying to pry my eyes and thoughts away.

Stepping away from the perfect men I planned to sink away into the crowd.

"Hey you, I suggest you give him his wallet back." The voice is stern and cold causing me to freeze. Slowly turning back to the two men I meet the gaze of the brown haired companion. The look sends shivers down my spine, his eyes reminded me of my own, shattered.

My mask never falters as I shoot the two a smirk "I don't know what you are talking about. Maybe your eyesight is failing you in your old age."

The blonde starts to chuckle at my taunt but stops as he feels for his wallet. I may be a good liar but there is no getting around missing evidence. Shit, I knew this was going to be a bad day. Both the men fix me with a cold stare. Time to run. Throwing them a snicker and wave I spin and run down the street as fast as I can. I swear at everything sacred as I hear the shouts of the two men telling me to stop. My lungs burn as I pick up the pace ducking and dodging the people ignoring the insults hurled at me as I scrambled

I can run much faster than a normal man but these two are keeping up. My stomach burned as a stitch began to come on. Ducking down a connecting alley I scramble over a fence and run out into the crowded sidewalk on the other side. I hear the crash of metal and shouts of the two men climbing the fence behind me. I press deeper into the crowd trying to hide myself amongst the people. I yank off my hoodie to change my appearance wrapping it around my waist. Hopefully it is enough not to stand out. My luck really sucks. Holding my back pack tight to my body I keep my head down, blend in, don't run, I try to reassure myself as I push deeper into the city. 

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