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A/N: Some of you were probably very confused about the previous chapters, please do not hesitate to leave comments to improve my writing! 💜

A/N: Some of you were probably very confused about the previous chapters, please do not hesitate to leave comments to improve my writing! 💜

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One of the reasons I decided to take the pregnancy test was because Taehyung did have sex with me twice without a condom over the span of six months, leaving room for a baby to still be able to develop in that amount of time.

We couldn't leave the pink room.

Everything was made out for us, planned for us, the meals were laid out for us. The lobbyist would give us the ingredients and tell us to cook them.

Other than that, we have no control. The lobbyist buys our food in bulk so that it lasts, and we have private phones that we traded our own for.

Even the pregnancy test had to be requested, which was a little embarrassing but necessary.

When the test slid underneath the door I grabbed it very quickly and hid it beneath my shirt, creeping to where tae was.

"Why are you walking like that?" He asked me. I just pointed to my shirt and he still looked confused.

"The test, tae!" I excitedly whispered. Maybe a little too loud. Now jimin heard, and hoseok, and they came running over to me. Jimin hopped over the couch effortlessly.

"The test came?" He asked. I nodded very slowly, wondering how he even overheard that.
"If you actually are pregnant, how do you know Taehyung is the father?"

Taehyung face-palmed and groaned. "You're worrying me, jimin"

I looked at Taehyung in disbelief. Did he really think I'd have sex with another man while I'm engaged?
"Taehyung I'd never do the things I've done with you, on anyone else but you. Of course you'd be the father."

He smirked at me and looked down into my eyes like he was going to kiss me when yoongi said "relax, you guys might have triplets if you have sex another time."

I unboxed the pregnancy test and went in my bathroom.
This is the moment we've all been waiting for.

I did what the directions said.

I shook the test to adjust it.
Two lines meant pregnant, and one meant not pregnant.

Something isn't right.

I shook it again.

The bar wouldn't change. The line was singular, lonely.
I was disappointed. But then I realized that some tests just don't work, the cheaper quality ones at least.

I left my bathroom and hung my head low. "Tae," I said quietly.

Tae excitedly rushes over to me and took the test out of my hands.

The Pink Room VOL 1 (Kth) FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now