Chapter Four

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A Touch Reader.

I had no clue what that was, and by the looks the other three were wearing, neither did they.

"The hell is a Touch Reader?" Cardinal was frowning at the Headmaster, obviously confused by the term.

"It's in the name. A Touch Reader is a person who is able to read the thoughts and emotions of any sentient being they touch. Depending on how powerful they are, they may be able to communicate with animals, even plants, if they're strong enough."

That made a lot of sense, now that I thought about it. I had touched Terry and felt his emotions, and when I had pulled Flamma out of the house, I could feel hers and read her thoughts.

The only thing I was a bit confused about was why I had felt so many minds when I had touched that first stone. Maybe it was like the Power Stone, where I could connect to everyone who had ever touched that stone. But instead of feeling everyone's power, I could feel their thoughts and feelings.

I shook my head. "This is getting to be a bit much. Why haven't I heard of a Touch Reader before now?"

"Well, they are incredibly rare. The last one to be in this school came over thirty years ago, and before that was two centuries. It tends to run in bloodlines, and whenever they appear, things tend to get a bit crazy, but not too much. But the fact that a Triple-Element Dragon Rider is a Touch Reader means that something is coming our way. Something that I am sure will not be good.

"For now, though, I figure that the three of you should get to your dorms. Tomorrow is a free day for everyone so that they can get acquainted with their Dragons and friends. Midday tomorrow you will get your Dragons, so you should rest up. Your timetables will be in your room in the morning. Mister Cardinal here will guide you to your rooms." And with that, the Headmaster left.

The boy looked like he was about to explode, but he turned and left without another word. After exchanging looks with Flamma and Leo, we bolted after him, following through half a dozen twisting hallways.

Now that I was paying attention, I could feel the exhaustion weighing on me. I really needed a good night's sleep.

Stopping, Cardinal pointed at a door. "Leonard Evian Penn." His voice was flat as he said it.

Leo glanced at us uneasily but mumbled a quiet thank you and darted inside the room. I could have sworn I felt a gust of icy wind before the door closed again, but I cast it from my mind.

When we continued, Flamma suddenly asked, "What's your name?"

He didn't glance back. "Why?"

The sound of his voice again made me shiver slightly, but I pushed the feeling away. 

"Because I want to know."

There was a beat of silence before he responded. "Jayden. Jay, preferably."

Flamma nodded once, sharply. "Ok. Denny."

"Don't call me that." A low growl rumbled through his words.

"Well, since it bothers you, I definitely will." He huffed but didn't reply, letting the conversation die as we continued.

He paused suddenly. "Floella Sable Nocte."

My sister glanced at me before slipping into her room. Again, I felt a gust of wind, this time much hotter than the hallway we were in.

There was silence as Jayden Cardinal began walking again. I followed, studying the occasional paintings on the walls.

Several corridors later and he stopped, turning to face me. I shifted uncomfortably as his emerald eyes fixed themselves on my face. "Veranix  Alizeh Nocte."

The Touch Reader (#1 of the Elemental Originals Series)Where stories live. Discover now