Chapter Eighteen

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I couldn't be more annoyed with this trip.

The entire time those two girls who rode with me would squeal in fake fear and try to get me to comfort them while I couldn't care less if they were scared or not. In fact, Cal purposely dove and rose just to make them cry out in genuine fear, making the both of us snicker.

The only bright parts in the trip were when Cal and Clara would occasionally race each other to a cloud in the distance only for Obliviscatur to snap at them for trying to get in front of him.

They both found out who the Alpha Dragon of this thunder was.

When we finally landed, I quickly dismounted and bolted over to where Vera was talking to Clara telepathically, her forehead furrowed in concern.

"I'm sorry, Clara. I'm sure the royal family knows how exhausted the first-year Dragons must be and have done something to let you all rest."

"You would be right," I called out, making her turn to me, blinking.

"What now?"

I snorted. "When Cal and I first came here, he was so tired that it was kind of ridiculous. A servant soon came out and told us that our dragons would be free to go wherever they wanted on this island, but that they had an area toward the east coast that was specifically for them to eat and drink whenever they were hungry or thirsty."

She raised her eyebrows and looked like she was about to say something when a servant came out of the castle.

I was right. He literally just repeated everything I had said in a much longer, more monotone way. My version was obviously better.

The Dragons made some noises and said a goodbye to their Riders before leaving, their wings flapping as they took off.

Clara nuzzled Vera's shoulder before taking off, drifting over to where her brother and friend were already waiting in the sky. Cal followed a bit behind, watching them carefully to make sure they were safe and had enough energy to make it without resting.

Silly Dragon. If he had a crush on Clara, he should just tell her.

"I could say the same to you," he snapped at me.

My lips curled into a faint smile as I looked at the Dragons, feeling a bit of hope in me. Maybe there was a chance for me yet, now that it was the Winter Gala.

I glanced over and saw my Ice Queen's sister and Leo jogging over to us, the people they took presumably somewhere else.

"So, what do we do now?" Flamma asked with a perplexed look on her face.

I shrugged, making Vera roll her eyes. "Well, someone will probably come and tell us where to go if they told our Dragons were to go to drink and eat."

As if on cue, the servant cleared his throat and said some shit about where we were staying, but because I had been here before I already knew the drill and tuned him out.

The only time I paid attention was when Vera leaned over to me and murmured, "Enchantments?"

"The thing that makes it so our rooms are exactly what we want," I whispered back.

"Please go through this door here, and you will be able to choose your rooms. Tomorrow at noon is when you will all be summoned back to this courtyard to show how well you can control your various elements and Dragons. After that will be the Winter Gala where there will be food and drinks and a dance floor for you to have fun. Have a good evening."

The students talked among themselves about their performances and what they would do, which reminded me that I didn't know what Vera was going to do.

The Touch Reader (#1 of the Elemental Originals Series)Where stories live. Discover now