Chapter Twenty-Two

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I woke up with a grunt of surprise, flailing as the alarm screamed in my ear. I hissed and flicked my hand, making it stop.

Rubbing my eyes, I looked around me and saw the faintly glowing orbs drifting gently in an imaginary breeze around my room. They pulsed a bit as they sensed my sudden awareness, brightening enough that it didn't hurt but at the same time woke me up even more.

I groaned and jumped down, free-falling for a terrifying second before I bent the wind around me to cushion my fall, the air whooshing as it did.

Hopping off of my little cloud, I hugged myself as a chill crept through me. I knew I was supposed to be a Frost, but my hands felt frozen in a way that made me desperate for heat.

Quickly grabbing my uniform that always seemed to be newly washed, I rushed to the bathroom and quickly jumped into the shower, turning the heat all the way up.

The water made me flinch as the heat burned through me, but it also comforted me. As much as the pain was rapidly becoming unbearable, I was relieved that I was getting warm.

Turning it down a bit, I lingered inside, not very excited to start my new schedule.

Once done, I put my clothes on, brushing my teeth quickly and heading to the great hall, grimacing when I saw how dark it still was outside.

Nicole waved at me, and even from here I could sense the exhaustion coming off of her. "Nix! Come over here. Might as well eat together since we're the only ones here."

I offered a grin before quickly getting my food and going over to her with a yawn. "Nice to know you're so excited to spend time with me."

She rolled her eyes playfully. "You know what I meant."

I chuckled and squeezed my eyes closed, trying to wake up a bit.

Nicole gave me a sympathetic look as I opened them again. "Trying to be more awake?"

I nodded sleepily, munching on the piece of pancake I had cut.

"I have a way to wake you guys up."

We turned to look at Jayden coming toward us with food already in his plate.

"Yeah? How?"

"Well I'm sure a little sleepiness is nothing a burn can't cure," he said with a wicked smile, fire sparking in his free hand.

"No! Definitely not!" We both cried out.

He laughed. "Now you're awake, aren't you!"

We looked at each other in surprise. We were awake now.

Jayden put his food on the table before glancing at me curiously. "Your hair's wet."

I rolled my eyes and began to cut a new piece. "No shit."

He huffed, glancing at my hair again as his fingers twitched. "I can dry it, if you'd like? I usually do that with heat; I promise not to burn your hair."

I looked at him curiously, remembering how Flamma had done the same when we were at the palace. 


His eyes seemed to light up as gold swirled almost possessively, covering both the green and black. "Really?"

I snorted. "Yes. Do it quickly before I change my mind about letting your grubby hands anywhere near my hair."

Jayden glared at me a bit before getting close to me, gently turning my head so my back was to him.

I could feel my instincts prickle at that. I didn't really like anyone near my back if I could help it, but I knew he wouldn't hurt me.

The Touch Reader (#1 of the Elemental Originals Series)Where stories live. Discover now