Chapter Twenty-One

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I never realized how much I valued the warmth from the sun until this moment. Never wondered why the way the heat that was absorbed by my skin was so comforting, like the arms of someone I trusted wrapped around me.

Such a funny thing, the sun was. It would burn so brightly for so long, and then it would disappear and seven orbs that tried to mimic the glory of the sun replaced it.

But the sun always came back.

It was one of the things a person could count on. The sun, rising on time every single day. The moons, following the ball of fire to give us light in the darkness. The mountains that towered over our world, standing there in resolute stubbornness, refusing to move even an inch. The clouds that, although were sometimes missing, appeared back in the sky in one way or another. The ocean, its waves crashing against the beach, the sound rushing as it pushed and pulled.

Such few things to depend on.

I mean, theoretically, humans and animals and Dragons and every other thing can be depended on, to. But they can fail you in the toughest of moments.

And now I'm on the cliff, getting ready to jump and trust someone who could let me down if they had the chance.

A voice called out and told me to get in, so I opened the door and stepped inside the Headmaster's office. He glanced at me, and I knew he was smiling under his mask. "Ah, Miss Nocte, hello. How are you?"

I took in a shaky breath. "I'm good, thank you. And you, Headmaster?"

"Very good, very good. Now, I know you didn't come here just to see my pretty face?"

"Not that I could even see it under the mask."

He laughed. "And what if it isn't a mask?"

I faltered slightly. I hadn't thought of that. What if it really wasn't a mask?

A snort broke me out of my thoughts. "I didn't expect you to take it seriously, Veranix. Now, what did you really want to talk to me about?"

Taking an especially deep breath, I walked forward and sat down in the chair in front of his desk, wringing my hands together. "I've decided to go on the hunt for the Original Dragons."

The Headmaster stilled. "Truly? You will?" His voice was excited, but at the same time laced with pain and fear. We both knew what could happen on this journey.

"Yes, truly. I finally made up my mind and I'm going to go."

He nodded seriously. "I'm glad you've decided, but I'm sorry it's for this. Come tomorrow with Jayden so I can talk to you both about what's going to happen."

I frowned. "What about the Whirlpool?"

"They've already been notified and decided yesterday. I'll bring them in too."

I blinked in surprise. "Oh, okay. I'll be sure to tell Jayden and take him here after lunch."

The Headmaster nodded, and satisfaction rippled from him. "Good. See you tomorrow, Veranix."


A voice sang in my head, so stunningly beautiful. It was like the voice of an Angel.

Rising and lowering, sounds echoed throughout my mind. I couldn't pay attention to whatever Mr. Arden was talking about.

The sound kept getting louder until I had to shut my eyes tightly, fighting the instinct to cover my ears at it just kept rising.

I knew someone was trying to talk to me because I could feel hands on my arm, but that feeling quickly started to fade as the song rushed through my veins so strongly that the electricity of it crackled all over it.

The Touch Reader (#1 of the Elemental Originals Series)Where stories live. Discover now