Chapter Twenty

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My leg swung as I sat calmly on a chair in this weird room where I was apparently going to be "judged" for "my crimes." I wasn't really sure what those were, but I knew if I didn't go along with it that it meant I was guilty for something I didn't even knew I was being tried for.

I had woken up after a bit and left the Princess's room, intending to go to mine and sleep some more when a couple Royal Guards stopped me. They had to escort me to the room I was in now, but they were upset for some reason so one of them grabbed me rather roughly.

I had snarled so viciously that they had both froze. "If you don't take your hand off me right this moment, you won't have an arm to grab me with."

He let go.

I mean, I knew that I was being a bit too snappy, but I had a right to be. I haven't gotten enough sleep and have been worried about Jayden so I've been stretched thin.

Once we were here, we had to sit through arguments before they finally brought in Jayden, although he had to use a wheelchair to come in because he was still too weak to really support himself.

He had calmly explained what happened and answered every single one of the council and King's questions.

I liked the King. He was calm and logical, nothing at all like his son or wife. He asked reasonable questions and seemed to draw his own conclusions whenever Jayden said vague answers. I knew it was because he was trying to go around how I had called him. Had he said the truth, I bet that they would have been far more worked up than they already were.

Now, though, it was my turn. But these idiots were making it take way too long because they had freaked out the moment they saw me. I guess they hadn't really looked at me until then.

"You know who she is! We must execute her immediately!"

"The hell- Why are you trying to execute an innocent student?" The King sounded so annoyed that I nearly laughed.

"She isn't innocent! She seduced the Prince and then acted like the victim! She deserves death!"

"Where in this entire interrogation that was masked as simple questions did you hear that she was the one who seduced my son?"

"That Rider was trying to protect a girl he was falling for, I can understand that. He was a victim of that. . . girl. . . as well!"

The King's face was filled with disbelief as he glanced at me. "I'm so confused. Miss Veranix, I'd like for you to speak now about what happened to see if we can somehow salvage this conversation."

My lips curled in to a grin as I nodded to the King. "Well, I had changed into a nightgown and heard a knock on the door so I opened it and saw your son standing there. We talked a little bit before he shoved me onto my bed and pinned me there with my arms above my head. We heard Clara, my Dragon, roar, and he insulted her saying that Dragons were just beasts whose only use was to travel and for labor."

The King's face hardened when I said that. "He said that?"

I nodded and then continued. "He then told me that he was using his Cancel ability so that I couldn't use my elements, and shortly after he slapped me for trying to escape. And then Jayden came and beat the shit out of him."

He snarled, muscles bulging as he tensed. "He hit you?" The King hissed out.

I nodded slowly, suddenly wary of the King's wrath. He wasn't a Royal by blood, but it's obvious that the role was meant for him.

The lead councilman, who had been the one trying to get me executed, scoffed. "As if our Prince would lay his hands on a woman like that. And even if he did, you must have done something to deserve it."

The Touch Reader (#1 of the Elemental Originals Series)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang