Chapter Eleven

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It's been a week since Jayden and I managed to bond a bit. I've spent that week since going to classes, having fun with my sister and Leo, and most of all getting into mild trouble with Jayden in my classes, which were surprisingly awesome. Clara grew as well.

When she hatched she was about the size of a small cat, and now she seems to be around the size of one of those dogs I had seen that had long golden fur that was shockingly soft.

Dragon Training wasn't much at the moment, mainly the teacher's dragon teaching our dragons how to begin flying while Sir Conner, who was shockingly funny, explained what we need to do in order to correctly take care of our dragons.

Magical Creatures involved me getting chased around by three Hobgoblins while Jayden wheezed in the background from laughing so hard and Lady Fiona just shook her head in amusement before whistling so sharply that even I had to keel over at. The Hobgoblins cried out and passed out long enough for Lady Fiona to whisk them back into their enclosure.

My elemental abilities were far greater than anyone else's in my Control classes, although Leo was shockingly close to my power level in Frost Control. The other students were kind of stuck up in Hurricane Control, but it was alright. And I made a friend in Flash Control, David. He was pretty buff and also geeky. He made the class more enjoyable since no one I knew was in it, other than Jayden, who was obligated to follow me like he was my damn shadow.

Those waves of color that reflected other people's emotions also seemed to enhance. I saw them almost every time I saw someone. Now, if I concentrated enough I could see the colors more vibrantly or I could not see them at all. Most of the time, though, I was too lazy to care and just saw the muted colors emanate from everyone else.

Today, though, Jayden couldn't follow me through the final classes of the day. Something about there being an incident in one of the Shade classrooms that only a high level Shade could solve, and the teacher had passed out and every other high level Shade was preoccupied.

I sat down in front of the large ice block, staring at it warily as little drops of water slipped down it as it melted slowly.

I guess it made sense what the Mrs. Flay was trying to do. When we asked why we would be practicing our Frost powers under the heat of the burning sun and not somewhere colder where it was be easier, she told us that in order to truly connect with our element, we had to find the ice inside of us even in the hottest of places. Obviously, this was no desert, but it was pretty freaking hot.

Glancing over at Leo, we exchanged a look. While the rest of the class struggled to keep the ice block from melting, Leo and I were far more powerful than the rest. When Mrs. Flay found out, she just told us that until she could devise a more complicated curriculum for us, we would have to follow the normal one.

Concentrating on the block, I carefully melted a hole inside the block with my light, placing a small orb of gentle golden light in the middle. The rays fluctuated with the gentle swirls of the water I made with tiny gusts of wind. I also made sure to freeze the block as much as possible so it wouldn't melt.

Sighing, I flopped backward and closed my eyes as I felt the sun shine down on me. My hands became itchy all of a sudden, so I opened my eyes again and took off my gloves, gently running my fingers through the grass and feeling it softly caress my skin.

All of a sudden, alarm shot through me. I didn't know why, but I could feel something coming. Something that was hurtling toward us so fast that the wind coming off of it was flattening the grass and making trees groan as they bent.

There was a white flash before I was suddenly in front of the forest, throwing my hands up as frost burst from my hands and spread in a shield shape. Wind rushed out as well, blowing against whatever was coming to try to slow it down.

The Touch Reader (#1 of the Elemental Originals Series)Where stories live. Discover now