Chapter 2: The UA entrance exam

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Today was the day of the UA test. I had to get in or i would never be able to get my revenge on all might.

First, it was the written test. It was really bad. In my childhood, i only ever did maths lessons hence i couldn't do the test because there was no maths in the test as heros dont care about maths. 

Mr loud microphone guy was really annoying as he kept shouting in my ear that i shouldn't cheat, causing me to lose all concentrating. The sound waves reverberated around my skull, causing several loud cracking sounds that happened during the exam. by the end of the exam, i was left lying on the desk, unconscious and bleeding heavily, having written nothing in the test.

Then it was the practical exam. There were four robots and they all looked badly made. Also they forgot to give points to the big robot. UA is clearly cutting corners in the entrance exam because they clearly are very poor. When i went to fight the first robot, it died. Then i fought another robot but this robot was a bit bigger. I had to use my special move to defeat this. 

But what was my special move? i have had this quirk for about a day and i haven't got a special move yet. 'Death to the evil people punch'? No, that was too long and bad. 'Lol bad go die'? No, that was too casual. The robot was bounding towards me and i had to think quickly.

"1,000,000% SMASH" i yelled, forgetting to punch. I was then rammed by the robot and was flung into this boy called lida. He had a super speedy quick so he ran away from the robot, which didnt seem very helpful. The robot also seemed a little confused, probably because it was extremely poorly made.

While the robot was pondering over its life choices, i finally thought of an amazing special move that would annihilate the robot. This move was going to be the most rememberable, outstanding and breathtaking special move in existence. It was going to be the special move that would defeat all might. 

"BIG PUNCH". The robot, as expected, instantly was destroyed.

It turns out i didnt actually get into UA because i had failed the written test so badly. A few weeks passed where i was in a deep depression, the plan of defeating all might being lost forever. But when i turned up to school anyway, they seem to have reserved a place for me in class 1-A. How kind. 

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