Chapter 12: Summer camp

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Today, me and my besties stain and denki went to summer camp, along with all the other irrelevant people in class 1-A. We got driven there by midnight-senpai. 

"Midnight-senpai, you are very good at driving!" i said

"Please do not call me senpai, dekugo. This school is a professional environment, even if i am wearing this exposing outfit." she said

"uwu" stain, denki and i muttered sadly. 

When we arrived, we were greeted by some cats. They were our instructors for summer camp but they looked a bit retarded. "Lets take out one each" denki suggested to me. It seems denki has already started using my tactics!

I attacked the green cat with a big punch but it didn't die. I needed a new special move. Something even stronger than before. It came to me in a flash. "VICIOUS POKE!". I jabbed the cat, obliterating it before she could even react. What an idiot. 

Stain was having fun with his cat. He was waving his tongue about while she was screaming and backing away slowly. Then she died from shock and exploded. 

Denki used his ultimate move, "20 volt strike", also annihilating the cat instantly. It was very foolish of these cats to think they could trick us. Of course, they were just villians trying to distract us. 

"Midnight-senpai, are uu prowwwd of usss uwu" Me and my besties said in unison. 

"Well not particularly, depending that you just killed three major heroes" she sighed. "But i guess I will have to teach you instead. To be fair, they were only cats."

We then spend the next week chilling at the summer camp improving our skills. Although i can't improve becuase im totally op so i cant get any stronger. Denki just watched me, studying my every move. Stain practised waving his tongue about. He didn't seem to have any other skills. 

All of a sudden, the league of villains appeared next to our summer camp. "i will now kill you now big lol"

"Excuse me, but you haven't even given us a chance to have the fun times in the hot springs yet."

"oh fair point" they said, leaving "we will be back after you done that ok?"

"sure thing" i said. Now, it was time for the hot springs. (and yes, that will be next chapter)

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