Chapter 3: Aizawa's test

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It was my first day at UA, and i was very excited. I noticed that lida was in my class, the person who allowed me to be rammed by that robot. How did he even kill any robots with that trashy quirk? I added lida to the list of people i must get revenge on. 

"Good morning class" aizawa said "today we will we doing a test because after the entrance exam, we think that we also need to test you on the first day." Personally, i thought that this was really stupid but he was my teacher and i wanted to be nice to him. Lida then stood up and expressed how happy he was to be here. Yep, he is definitely being killed.

The first test was a throwing test. This test should have been easy because my quirk is the strongest by far. Unfortunately, i let go of the ball too early so it went directly up and landed straight back on my head. For any normal person, the sheer power would have torn their body apart but i, holder of one for all and ridiculously overgrown hair, was not damaged at all. Regardlessly, i threw the ball 0 meters. Worst in the class.

Then it was press ups. It was so easy for me that it was actually really boring. I fell asleep before we began and i somehow got 0 points? I didn't understand as clearly i am much better than everyone else here. The tests continued on in this way until the scores came out, showing that i was last.

"Dekugo, your expelled" said aizawa. I didn't know what to do. Surely this simple test didnt just stop me from getting my revenge on all might? "nah jk" the teacher then said. It seems that i have been saved again, allowing me to continue getting my revenge. 

Later that day, i saw lida alone in the classroom. I thought this was a perfect time to get him out of the way. "hey lida, that is some nice shoes you have there" said i

"Thanks dekugo. Let's be friends!" he said in return

"That sounds really fun i like having friends. Just after dark tonight meet me down that dark alleyway ok?" i said

Just after dark that day, down the dark alleyway, me and lida met up. "YOU FOOL" i screamed, "YOU WILL NOW DIE!!". Unfortunately, i forgot that lida had the running away quirk, so he ran away. Luckily, he is a retard so ran full speed into the building and died. Perfect. I didn't even have to deal with charges of murder.

(I hope you guys are enjoying uwu. Please leave a comment of what you think so far!)

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