Chapter 4

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I was on my bed and Mattia came on top of me.
"Mattia what the fuck are you doing" i said

"this" he said and kissed me one thing lead to another and the next thing you know I was on my knees.......

praying to jesus and reading the bible✋(lol yall know what happens)

Then I woke up. Wow it was all a dream.I cant get Mattia off my mind.He wasnt in the room with me,he was at school.Why do I keep thinking of him? God i need him off my mind.I got up and took my juul out my bag abd started hitting it.Fuck I was on Pluto an hour later but Mattia was still on my mind.
*Meanwhile at school*
Mattias POV:
I hope Natalis doing okay.I wonder what shes doing.Does she remember who I am? God I cant keep her off my mind.I was in the hallway and I saw my ex Jenna ugh gross(no hate to her btw💓)
"Hey baby" Jenna said wrapping her arms around me

"Gross get off" I said pushing her off of me.

"Dont you miss me Tia?"Jenna said touching my arm.I slapped that shit right off me

"No I dont.Didn't I tell you not to ever contact me again.And close your fucking legs it smells like fish."I said

"Wow Tia your so fucking rude you just miss me dont you" Jenna said.This bitch cant take a hint.

"Dont call me that.You don't deserve to.And leave me alone I swear im about to faint the smell of fish from your coochie is killing me" I said walking away from that bitch.

I hate her with all my heart.She broke me.Theres a void inside of me,a missing piece,all because of her.I was addicted to her like drugs.She was once my eveything.My drug.I cant find my peace anymore.I need to go away,go to the place where I feel at peace.Wait fuck I forgot,Natali im supposed to go there and pick her up today. Maybe I should take her there.To my secret spot.One day.
*end of pov*
I asked the nurse if i could leave today cause Im actually doing pretty good now.She said yes and I just need to sign out but I told her I was gonna wait for my friend(mattia) to come pick me up.She said yes.I texted Steff to bring me my clothes and she got them dropped off so I changed into them. They look like this:

I feel so lonelyyyyyy

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I feel so lonelyyyyyy.And hungry but still.
When is Mattia cominggg.I miss him ngl.Its already 2:30 pm and he was supposed to be here to pick me up 30 minutes agooo.

"Im hereee!" Mattia said coming in the room.

"Finally your here bitch,you got a dollar?(iykyk)" i said jokingly

"The nurse said I can leave today I was just waiting for you"I said to Mattia

"Okay cool lets go" Mattia said

"Where tho"my dumbass said

"To my house,if your allowed to the boys are there" Mattia said grabbing my things for me

"Yeah i dont have parents any way"I said.Shit why did I say that.Well it's true.

"Oh im so sorry Natali" Mattia said looking sad.poor baby

"Its okay ill explain it to you someday Tia" i said with a smile.Me and Mattia left the hospital and went to his house.Then I realized my house is litterly next to his.Wow.We got to his door step and then i said
"Tia your house is litterly right next to mine"

"YAY i can go to your house and steal food whenever then good"He said luaghing

"Shut the fuck up"I said laughing back
We got into his house and I was so confused cause his room is BIG. But then again its in a basement so. I saw Kairi and Alejandro on the bed and 3 other boys.
"Uh hi" I said to them.

"HIIII"they said back,energetic asses

"Natali thats Roshaun,Robert,Alvaro,and you know the other two" He said pointing at them.

"Natali give us your number and socials" Kairi said

"Ok sure" I said
I gave them all my social medias and even my number.I even followed them on tik tok and damn these boys are famousss.

"You guys wanna watch a show?" Mattia said

"Yessirrr" we all said. We got into a circle with blankets and pillows and snacks.We bindge watched a show called "Outer Banks" (10/10 recommend watch this show)
I layed down next to Mattia watching the show.We paused it when we were at episode 8 and took a bathroom break. When Mattia left to use the bathroom he left his phone.I saw it lit up and may or may not have looked at it. A message from "Jenna" popped up, it said "I miss you too tia❤" .I felt my heart shatter.I knew it.Nothing good ever happens to me.Reading that ruined my night.I really thought I had a chance huh.Dumb me.

I kinda suck at this story thing 😔 Yall help a girl out and share this story to your friends🤧 It would mean a lot to me❣Anyways another chapter coming soon🙈

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I kinda suck at this story thing 😔 Yall help a girl out and share this story to your friends🤧 It would mean a lot to me❣Anyways another chapter coming soon🙈

 The Drug - Mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now