You Are Lovely

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Richard Grayson wasn't the fall in love kind of man, at least not in public. In private, Dick fell in love much too often. With teammates, with school friends, and with whoever he just found that he liked. Maybe it was because he could never love them the way he wanted, in an honest relationship. 

When he realized he had fallen in love with his best friend it was a little different. Wally was a superhero. There would never have to be any secrets between them. They could love unconditionally. Except of course back then Dick's identity was still a secret.

Dick fell in love will Wally long after Wally had fallen for him. Wally had loved Dick for a long time, since before even knowing his name. It was like a childhood crush that never went away. So when Dick confessed on day that he swung both ways, Wally couldn't help but smile. He had a chance.

It wasn't for another year did Wally finally get Dick to go out with him. It was due to no lack of love on either side, but their lives were just too complicated. Dick was becoming Nightwing and had enough on his plate just being who he was. Until finally it happened.

Dick was a little over 16. Wally was just a year older. It was like any other night. Dick was just in the library reading when Wally showed up and sat down beside him. Dick didn't know why he had run all the way from Central, but there he was getting comfortable on the couch until he was lying on his back with his head in Dick's lap. 

Wally just closed his eyes and smiled, grateful that after a difficult day he could just stay there with someone he loved. Dick continued to read, smiling a bit more. Though his eyes were closed, Wally could almost see the smile on Dick's face, as clear as he could feel Dick's breathe, smell his soap, and hear him mumble what he was reading, despite it being written in Romanian, which Wally loved to hear the other speak.

"Esti incantator," Wally said, making Dick pause in his reading. 

"You are lovely...where did you learn that?" Dick asked with a soft smile.

"From you," Wally replied with a slight shrug, "You mumble it to me sometimes."

"I guess I do," Dick said in thought before setting down his book, lightly shoving Wally off of his lap by his shoulders.

"Hey, I was comfortable!" Wally exclaimed in a teasing manor.

"Esti incantator. Acum o să te sărut," Dick said and watched the confusion on Wally's face for a moment before leaning in to press a kiss to his lips.

"Oh," Wally mumbled in surprise. When Dick pulled away Wally just looked at him and asked, "What was that you said?"

"I said, 'I'm going to kiss you now'," Dick said, and put a hand up to Wally's cheek to kiss him again.

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