Playground Kisses

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"Hop on," Dick said when Wally sped up the driveway. Wally gladly took the helmet from Dick and hoped on the back of his motorcycle. Despite how fast he could run, he always got a rush riding on Dick's motorcycle. After a few minutes of silent driving, with Wally's arms wrapped securely around Dick's waist, they arrived at an old park on a hill.

The swings swung slowly in the wind and the overgrow grass mimicked it. The old framed structure barely shivered though, despite the wind, showing that it was still sturdy.

"What is this place?" Wally asked as he and Dick climbed off the bike.

"My favorite place in the city of course," Dick said as he took Wally's hand and walked with him up the short hill to the playground. "It is always so peaceful here. In the outskirts of the city. It is just an old playground no one goes to anymore," Dick said as he sat down on one of the swings, pulling Wally down into his lap.

Wally barely had to tilt his head down to kiss Dick. Dick hadn't been short for a few years now. When he hit 15 he sprouted and now at 17 was 6 feet tall. Wally thought it was hot his boyfriend was so tall, yet secretly grateful that Dick hadn't passed him.

"I've missed you recently, you know," Wally said as he broke their kiss and sat on the swing beside them.

"I know, it's just so much has been happening. Training Tim has been a bit of a challenge. Senior year of high school, despite the fact I'm pretty much taking all college classes anyways. I can't get a breath away from anything in my real life," Dick said with a frown.

"Well, this is breath away. For both of us. This is the real you. With all of that Nightwing snark and Richard Grayson perfection bundled in. You're incredible," Wally almost whispered.

"Come here with me," Dick said and pulled Wally to the top of the structure which was just a plank with no railings. They sat with their feet dangling over the edge and their hands intertwined.

Dick leant in and pressed against Wally, kissing him softly. Their kisses were always soft. No matter how rough they were it was always soft. There was always care and delicacy to their intimacy. Wally carefully brought his hands to Dick's waist and pulled him closer. Dick rest one of his hands against Wally's chest and the other around his neck to tangle in his vibrant red hair.

"You are so lovely," Dick whispered into Wally's lips, with his eyes still closed. Those words always made Wally smile even brighter.

"Dick," Wally paused, "I love you."

They'd said it so many times before, throughout their entire relationship and even before they had been dating. 

But every time he said felt like the first time.

"I love you too," Dick replied, gently pressing another kiss to Wally's lips. 

He was with his favorite person, in his favorite place, feeling his favorite thing: loved. 

Nothing could ruin this. 

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