Take Me To Your Favorite Places

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"C'mon 'Wing, you aren't gonna let me join you?" Kid Flash whinned as he followed Nightwing around Gotham. 

"Bats will not be happy if I'm dragging you around the city with me," Nightwing said with a smirk back at Wally.

"We have been dating over a year and he still doesn't like me. I don't get it," Kid Flash said loudly as he quickly sped up to Nightwing's side to pin him to a roof they had now found themselves on.

"Trust me, he likes you," Dick said as he smiled. Wally smiled, proud that he had gotten Bruce to like him, before going back to focus on Dick.

"You're beautiful," Wally said softly as he looked at Dick's mask, missing his pretty blue eyes.

Dick put his hands against Wally's chest, "And you're wonderfully kind, but that doesn't mean you can join me for patrol." Dick pushed Wally back.

"Alright alright," Wally said stepping back since Dick had obviously said no.

"I'll make it up to you though," Nightwing said as he jumped to the next roof, Kid Flash right behind, "I'll take you on a civilian date, to my favorite place in the city."

"You have a favorite place in the city?" Wally asked, now excited.

"I do. I'll see you tomorrow night," Dick said as he dropped from the roof they were on into the ally. 

"Then I will see you then handsome," Wally replied and blew Dick a kiss before disappearing in a flash.

Nightwing slipped into the zeta tube and emerged in the Batcave. 

"How is your boyfriend?" Bruce asked, only briefly glancing up from his research.

"He's good. We're going out tomorrow night, civilian style in Gotham," Dick replied as he removed the mask.

Bruce turned around in his chair, "Civilian style in Gotham? You never do that, because of the media catching you everywhere."

"There is one place they have never caught me," Dick said, "So I'll be taking him there."

"Ahh, always knew Wally would be that special boy you took there," Bruce said with a smirk.

"It's just the old park at the edge of the city, it isn't anything special," Dick said with a shrug.

"It's special to you. Be careful though. The media will have a field day if they catch you two," Bruce said gently.

"I know," Dick said with a smile as he turned to go upstairs, "Goodnight Bruce."

Now Bruce didn't want Dick to hid who he was, but they both knew the kind of hate and scrutiny Dick would have to deal with if he was outed to the entire city because of the media. Especially given that Dick was bi. If the media saw him with a boy they would stir up drama with ever female ex Dick has ever had. If only they knew Dick had male exes too.

Wally woke up the next afternoon energized as usual, but Iris noticed something a bit different. "What's got you so excited kid," Iris asked, calling him kid even though he was 18.

"I'm going out with Dick tonight," Wally said with a smile.

Iris smiled. From the moment Wally had met the boy wonder she knew. Knew he was gay, knew he would fall in love with the other boy, knew the two would be together one day. It was all in the way Wally talked about him, and Iris had faith. 

"Have fun, but don't forget you have class tomorrow. We aren't helping you pay for college for you to skip class," Iris said in a chiding manner. 

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