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One Day Later

Dick had never been afraid of the paparazzi, nor had he ever really been that bothered when he saw them around. Unfortunately with the new development he was afraid to even get close to his window in case they saw him again. Upon seeing a few flashes outside, despite the curtain being closed, Dick angrily stormed downstairs to the clock entrance to the Batcave and made his way down. Once he emerged in the Batcave, he stalked up to his Nightwing costume and picked it up. After a quick change, he stalked into the Zeta Tubes.

"Sup!" Artemis called as she saw him. Beside her, M'gann's head snapped in his direction and a large smile formed on her face.

"I didn't know you would be here tonight!" She exclaimed as she quickly flew over and wrapped him in a hug.

"Just had to get away from my city for a bit," Nightwing confessed.

"Well come, I just made cookies!" M'gann spoke brightly and dragged him by the arm into the kitchen. As she shoved a cookie into his hand, his worries disappeared.

That is, until Wally walked in.

Now Wally was completely clueless. Dick Grayson's dating life was a strictly Gotham drama so Wally wouldn't have seen it on the news in Central. Wally walked up to Nightwing and stood beside him as he greeted everyone. When it came to greeting Nightwing, Wally didn't kiss him or anything. With Nightwing's identity still a secret from the team and Wally's sexuality still a secret, they weren't flirting or kissing in the team's presence.

"Wing," Wally greeted. 

"Hey Wally," Nightwing replied. Immediately Wally's smile fell. He could tell something was off. Wally couldn't find a moment to whisk Dick away to talk because M'gann and Artemis were chatting with them. Right as they thought they might escape, Garfield and Bart crashed into the room and joined the conversation. Eventually, Wally could make his escape with Dick. He grabbed Dick's wrist and dragged him down the hall to his room as soon as their friends had dispersed to do other things.

"Hey!" Dick exclaimed as they were going much faster than a human being could keep up with.

"Sorry," Wally said and stilled them to a stop in front of Dick's room, "Just wanted to talk." Immediately Dick's heart sunk in his chest. Had Wally seen them on the news? Was he not ready to be public? Did he want to break up because of it? "Are you okay Dick?" Wally asked as soon as they were safe inside the room, "You seem of."

Dick froze for a moment, not knowing what to say,  before sighing and removing his mask, "I've got something to show you which will explain why I'm off." He pulled out the tv remote and sat on the bed, pulling Wally down beside him.

He switched on Gotham News which apparently still had nothing better to cover than him.

Wally's eyes widened as he saw an image with the back of his head on screen. The moment he and Dick were kissing the other night. Someone had finally caught them. 

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