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"Dick," Bruce called from downstairs.

Dick blinked away the sleep in his eyes and glanced at the clock. It was only noon.

"What?" Dick asked as he crawled out of bed and started getting dressed.

"Get down here," Bruce called.

Dick quickly ran a hand through his hair once dressed and rushed downstairs, still smiling thinking about the night before, confident that nothing could take his good mood away after yesterday.

"You might want to see this," Bruce said, picking up the remote to unpause the news channel.

"Breaking News!" the local newscaster announced, "Billionaire playboy Bruce Wayne may have adopted a gay son? That's the question today as last night Gotham Daily News received a photo from an amateur photographer of what appears to be Richard Grayson kissing an unidentified redhaired boy."

The picture flashed on screen. It was a beautiful picture and Dick would have loved to frame it under any other circumstance. It was very clearly him, as despite being occupied with kissing Wally, a good half of his face was visible. Of Wally though all it caught was the back of Wally's head. The two were sitting at the top of the structure just as they had the night before. Wally's hands on his waist. Dick's hands on Wally's chest and in his hair.

"...Dick are you listening to me?" Bruce repeated himself louder.

"Uh...sorry, what was that?" Dick asked as he snapped his eyes away from the picture, which was ruined by the large letters across it saying "RICHARD GRAYSON? A FAG?"

"I'm already getting calls about this. There are people outside wanting to talk to one of us at least," Bruce spoke gently, "I can go out there and tell them anything you want me to tell them. Or you can go out. Or we can just wait for the photo to be officially verified by news analysts before addressing it."

Dick stood in thought, smile long gone, "I just...I can't deal with it right this moment. Let's wait until the analysts verify it."

"Do you intend to deny it if they don't verify that it is you due to subpar facial recognition?" Bruce asked curiously.

"I don't know," Dick confessed, "I always knew they would catch us. But not then. Not right then." He clenched his fists and felt a tear leave his eye, "I felt safe."

Bruce wrapped his arms around his son and sighed, "It's okay sport. Why don't you go finish getting ready for the day and I'll have Alfred make a quick lunch for us."

"Okay," Dick muttered, pulling away from the hug and walking upstairs, deep in thought and deeply upset.

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