Not An Update

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Not An Update

Okay so as some of you may know I was interested in doing a book about all topics in general. Any gender would be allowed to participate but since most of my readers are female I'm pretty sure the topics will relate to women. So basically I would have my readers inbox me questions that they want to discuss/talk about. It can be about school, love, celebrities, hot topics, etc. The book would almost be like an advice column. I'll post the questions in a book like a chapter and I'll ask the people who inboxed me questions if they want to be kept anonymous or not. The readers would then comment their answers in the comments. The idea is just so I can stay connected with my readers and I know all of you are bright women and men so maybe we can help someone who is having trouble or just give an honest opinion on a topic. This is just an idea but I think it would be success, I'll even promote good books on here. So please...let me know what you guys think!

Xoxo Trice.

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