Kamen Rider Rose: Arc Majesty-part 3

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The last scene is at the hospital, so we will continue at that spot.


The scene shows that Ruby, Weiss, and Pyrrha are at the Vale Nonprofit Hospital. Ruby and Weiss run to Pyrrha where she is standing in front of a doctor. Ruby asks Pyrrha;

Ruby: How's Jaune? 

Pyrrha turns around ashamed and walks behind the doctor and said;

Pyrrha: I've got unfortunate news to tell.

Winter: What kind of news?

Pyrrha: Is something an athlete injury, some might be worst or better...

Weiss: Unfortunate news?

The doctor spoke up to them;

???: You two are friends of Jaune?

Ruby step in front of the doctor and say;

Ruby: I'm his best. How is he?

The scene shows the doctor has green messy hair,  wearing a pair of glasses, it's Doctor Oobleck. He says;

Oobleck: Can't say the outlook is good.

Ozpin: How bad is it? Professor Oobleck?

Oobleck: Its doctor and my only guess are that Mr.Arc is unable to compete for any sport anymore.

Oobleck: Even if it stops being a quality of life issue... It's very unlikely he can compete again.

Weiss: No...

Weiss looks at Ruby with worry looks on their faces.

The scene change is Jaune is sitting on the hospital bed and wearing a patient outfit while looking down as a disappointment. A moment later, Ruby and Weiss walk into the room where Jaune is. Jaune was shown that he has a cast on his leg.

Ruby: Jaune... 

Jaune: Oops... I messed up! I deserve what I got.

Weiss Closes the door behind her and walks over to Jaune and said;

Weiss: That overlord guy can't get away with this...

Jaune: Nah, He didn't do anything wrong.

Nora: Wow, Jaune! You still haven't changed in that world too!

Jaune: Oh, shut up, Nora, I don't want to remember that anymore!

Jaune: I let my guard down.

Ruby: You can get therapy! I'll help-

Jaune: Forget it.

As he laid down to the bed and said again;

Jaune: It's my body. I know what I'm dealing with.

Ruby: Come on Jaune. You'll be fine!

Jaune rolls over his body to another side of the bed to ignore Ruby and Weiss went to Ruby to says to her.

Weiss: Ruby...

Ruby: I'm sorry. 

Jaune spoke up again;

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