First day in the big house.

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Y/n's POV

I was riding in the back of some kind of heavy transport truck with a few other people,most of which were teens like me.It was nice inside,had 1 window and as I looked out,there was lots of stares from...FURRIES! a few others must have seen it as well because I heard...

???: OH HELL NO!!

I turn around to see a black guy with black frizzy hair(I AM NOT BEING RACIEST you will see why) trying to open the door.

???:I am not going be a pet FOR A FURRY*keeps trying the lock*NO WAY!

Y/n:*gets up from seat*Dude,its not gonna open,I don't see what the problem is.

He turns around and I recognize him,he was the asshole who almost got you arrested twice because I went to my old school during the morning to see my friends.

Kevin: Well...its you.I bet you were jerking off to furry's in that bathroom.

He and a few others started to laugh.

Y/n: Oh yeah? Well it least it was not some fag pics.

The people in the truck started to laugh harder,even the drivers where snickering.   

Kevin:*Punches you in the face* What else is gonna come out of that mouth of yours!

You hold your face and you start shaking.

Kevin: Aw little furry gonna-

In that second it happen's again....

PTSD Episode:

 You look around and see your back in the transport ship and a guy is about to kill a guard,and you sprint over.


???:SHUT UP!



You charged into him,knocking the guy off the guard.The guard runs off to get back up.You get on top of him and start punching him in the face,he throws you off and stands start a fist fight with him and 1 minutes into the fight he knock you down.The guards get back just in time to see you get up,right hook him in the head,grab his head and start bashing it repeatedly on a near by steam pipe and you don't stop,not even when his blood runs cold.The guard stop you and you manege to calm down,the guard thanked you while the other 2 started to pay the 3 one.Were they betting? The guard told you that a good word would be put in for you.

PTSD Episode over.

I came back to my senses and saw Kevin's blood on the wall and him on the ground.He was still breathing.

Kevin:*weakly*You will pay for this....


I look around and saw everyone looking at me with wide eyed expressions,even the drivers were staring at me and one of them had a phone out in a way that looked like the driver was recording.I sit down and one of the spectators told me after I bashed his head,I just stood over him dead silent for a bit.I told him not to worry because he seemed like a chill dude.

After a bit longer we arrived at some kind of giant Petco and they drove us to the back of the building where we were unloaded,given a tag and room number and a schedule.

After a bit longer we arrived at some kind of giant Petco and they drove us to the back of the building where we were unloaded,given a tag and room number and a schedule

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