Chapter 15- The Mistake

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I'm back...after like five months...

Sorry for the long break. :(

I've been a terrible author, I know...


How did you like the last chapter?

One of you requested for Bill's POV, but I was having trouble writing in that POV, so I'll try again in a different chapter. Sorry.

I've re-written this chapter 5 times.

Short Chapter Ahead

I'm really sorry.

Third Person POV

It's him for sure.

I'm positive.


Dipper was standing in front of the golden-haired demon with downcast eyes, refusing to look up at the Prince's terrifying glare. The plate of Bill's breakfast was empty and shattered to pieces which were scattered around the expensive carpet of the room. 

The worse part is Dipper didn't bring Bill that food.

Bill's eye was sectoral heterochromatic* of gold and red. If Dipper wasn't in this situation, he would've said his eye looked exotic in a beautiful way. Or that he was on the same thing Old Man McGucket was on, but the effects hadn't fully shown up, yet.

'Not now, Dipper. You're about to die, yet you're thinking about what kind of weed the Prince smokes.'

Bill was scanning Dipper up and down. He couldn't get over the fact that he was hugging someone besides him for comfort. He shouldn't have to hug that chef when he is here. Who wouldn't come to him for comfort? 

'Who wouldn't come to ME for comfort? I would...not. Damn it.'

Memories of earlier events replayed in his head. Dipper hugging that chef...not getting his breakfast, being hungry, Dipper hugging that chef, having to get his own meal like a simpleton, being hungry, Dipper hugging that chef...Dipper hugging that chef...

So many memories.

'I should fire her. That chef'

'Both literally and figuratively.'

But like most people, the Prince gets hangry when he doesn't get food which is partially why they're in the predicament they're in. The other reason why is because he's almost positive...almost...

That the boy standing in front of him is..

Somehow related to his Pinetree!

Dipper looks really similar to him, so it could only mean they are related. Or who knows, they could even be twins. But Bill is certain they're related. Henceforth, Bill is in a slight rage because this incompetent boy standing in his chamber knew the whereabouts of his Pinetree. And never said a thing about it.

The furious Prince walked towards the frightened latter, raised his hand, and backhanded him swiftly across the face. Quick and powerful. Dipper fell to the ground from its impact. Tears pooled at the bottom of his eyes, but he refused to let them fall.

"Humor me. What exactly did I tell you to go retrieve for me, earlier this morning," the Prince stated with a cold and toxic tone, "stand up. Now."

Dipper weakly got back on his feet and kept his head down while holding his cheek. "Head up," Bill commanded. The latter slowly looked, just to be met with another slap on the other side of his face. He, thankfully, didn't fall this time. "Well? Answer me." The Prince waited for an answer. "I-I'm s-sorry I t-tried to get you y-your meal b-but n-no one l-listened to me, s-so I-" Dipper was cut off with a slam on the wall behind him. 

My Long Lost Queen, Pinetree (BillDip)Where stories live. Discover now