Round 1: Mr Dev's Dozy Day

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Your character is sitting on the back seat of the bus, they one of two passengers. Mr Dev, a large build man is asleep in one of the front seats near the driver, Larry Greybo (more about him later). Mr Dev is fast asleep and snoring very loudly. The bus stops outside the campsite, as you stand to get off the bus, Larry Greybo gives you a stern warning, "whatever you do, don't wake Mr Dev up!"

You have to walk down the aisle and exit the bus without stepping on any of the squeaky items that cover the floor

•A blow up doll of Trump
•A squeaky Simon Cowell dog toy
•A skipping rope that is tied across the handles of the bus seats with a loud bell on each end
•A box full of jingling Christmas decorations

Include the items
•Describe the scenery and your character's bus ride from home to camp.

Deadline:  Friday 5th June 2020
Post in book on your profile
Tag #sotf2020
@the_suaw_awards (please mention so we know when you've completed. If you don't submit a scene bu the deadline then you are out!

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