Round 4: Results

23 1 0

Our judges have been busy reading through your scenes, all those with a ✅ next to them, congratulations you are through to the next round. Unfortunately if you find a ❌ by your name it means you will not be progressing any further in this contest.

 Unfortunately if you find a ❌ by your name it means you will not be progressing any further in this contest

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Winona Falconer (laynejodi ) ✅
The scene was amazing, easy to read and I enjoyed it a lot. Few mistakes here and there but it was still okay. The character was quite interesting. The writer went exactly according to the prompt. The scene was good , good ,good and I absolutely love it.

lunamesic Nora Witko
I loved this authors style of writing. She had a perfect balance of dialogue and narrative. I found she built up the suspense of the story never giving too much information at once. She did a great job of describing instead of telling. The character building was nice as well. I found few grammar errors and it was easy to read. I found the character voice wasn't as strong as I had hoped. Maybe if she would have described her reactions a little more in depth that would have helped with it. She used all the prompts given. I love her work! I thought she executed it beautifully and I would definitely read more of her work.

Yili ( kadauhara99 ) ✅
Everything was described clearly, and I never questioned what was going on. Everything also felt necessary to say. I didn't see any repeat issues. Like the other, Yili felt a bit like a reader stand-in, but she at least called back to some memories she had while dazed. Like the other scene I read, Yili only had her wrists tied. Her arms may have been tied too, but her legs weren't. I do think this is a better use of the items than the other scene, and I liked what the writer did with what was given. I liked it! Especially the end! I didn't feel lost, and I enjoyed reading it.

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Nora Poyntz (Chaoticmocha ) ❌
I didn't fully understand what was going on in the scene. Sometimes I would go back to the top and read it all again to fully understand. I did spot errors but it wasn't that bad. Honestly, I love the character, it's different from the rest and that makes her unique in a great way. The Writer went well with the prompt but didn't include all of the items. I'm sorry but this scene wasn't one of my favourite ones. However that doesn't mean that you should give up , you can try next time and who knows you might win. Best of luck

Carmen Willis (Im_hella_bored ) ❌
The word choice really needed work. There were also a few glaring typos, and the pacing was inconsistent. There were a lot of typos and there were some comma use issues. She didn't seem to have a specific reaction; there was no callback to any memories, so her reaction just felt like a reader stand-in. There was no mention of rope around her legs, just her wrists, and I feel like she broke out too easily. The items used were fine, though, and the rest of the scenario was to par. It is solidly okay, but the typos and word choice / sentence structure issues were this one's downfall for me.

boringbrooke : Maverick Hunt
It was easy to understand, but it lacked the style to keep the reader's attention. It was OK, but the sentence structure was awkward for me to read at times. I wasn't too interested in the character. They just felt bland to me. They stuck to the prompt. I wasn't too interested in it. It was the style; I think it could use some more work, and development. Certain parts felt rushed, while others felt like I was reading from a bullet list of things happening.

No scene submitted

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