Round 2: Cabin Fever

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Your character has managed to get off the bus without waking up Mr Dev, and they make their way towards one of the wooden cabins where they are to stay for the holiday. They get off the bus and walk towards the refreshments stand where there is a large jug of orange juice which is served by a little old lady with a bit of a hunch back and curly grey hair.

"Hello (characters name)" . Your character sits down on one of the benches and has a drink unbeknown to them, the tasty concoction actually contains something that stops all special powers and abilities (anything that normal humans can't do).

After a few minutes, the camp leader, Larry Greybo, reads out a list of who's in which cabin. Your character is in Devington House. They make their way to the cabin and knock loudly on the wooden door. The door opens and Mr Dev from the bus opens the door.
"Hello," he grunts, "what do you want?"

Your character explains that they have been given this cabin for their holiday and ask that Mr Dev leave and take his mess with him. But Mr Dev isn't having any of it; and rudely explains that he will only do as they say if they make him laugh.

To be allowed into the cabin, your character must use the following items provided by Mr Dev to make him laugh and to move onto the next round.

•A cardboard mask of a penguin
•A tin of cat food
•A cardboard cut out of former British pm David Cameron
•An old pair of underpants
•A stuffed ferret toy

Deadline: Friday 12th June 2020
11.00pm U.K. time

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