Round 3: The Vampire Band

73 5 3

After unpacking their belongings into their cabin they decide to go for a long walk through the woods. They're busy on their phone or listening to their music, but see a shape from the corner of their eye. It's a person.

Your character looks up and to their surprise it's their favourite member of a band they like. Your character is shocked, but curious and follow this person towards the forest. It's getting dark, but your character doesn't care and continues to follow them. The singer stops, and turns around. Their pupils are red, their skin is pale white, like a ghost. Two scars are visible on the right side of their neck. Your character looks at the other band members and can see they are vampires. All of them, vampires and they can smell blood, fresh blood, your characters blood. The Vampire band run towards your character. Your characters aim is to kill or be killed. Kill the vampires with what you have around you, or die. It's up to you.

Your items
(you are only allowed to use these items)
Logs, twigs, and bits of wood
Fox poo
Tent parts
A tin of spam
A Georgian style wig

You may use a real band for this round if you wish.

Deadline: Friday 19th June 2020

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