Round 5: Killer Kitty

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Finally you're free of the weird lady, and after stocking up on a few supplies. You and your friend (yes, you can add another character) are going to have a picnic in a safe part of the woods. As you sit on a blanket and talk about happy times, a creature appears from the long grass. It's a tortoiseshell cat. The cat has a bright pink collar on and a tag with the name Milly on it. You and your friend think the cat is nice until it lunges at your friends throat. She's going to kill them and you know it. You must defeat the cat and save your friend before it gets too dark. Use what you have around you to defeat (but not kill) the cat.

Your Items
•A rotten salmon sandwich
•Tin of paint
•Tree branches
•A box of tea bags
•Bottle of water

This is the final round that will decide the overall winner of Survival of the Fittest 2020. When the results for this round are posted, we will be handing out the award stickers. Good luck to our three finalists laynejodi lunamesic and LaneyInRed
Deadline; Wednesday 7th July 2020

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