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What is Survival of the Fittest?
Survival of the Fittest is a reoccurring contest where those who sign up are given a fun prompt to write. These prompts are made to test your character by putting them in strange and unusual situations. There will be 5 rounds, if your character survives round 1, then they are through to the next round. If not, or if you do not submit a scene, then your character is dead and you will not progress.

Can I use an original existing character or do I have to make a new one for the contest?
It's easier if everyone uses an existing character for the contest

Can I use a celebrity as a character?
No. All characters have to be original and from an existing book that you have written. If the character isn't one that you've invented then no, you can't use them.

How many rounds will there be?
I have planned 5 rounds

Can I use a character that has supernatural powers/abilities/magic?
Yes of course. We accept all species of characters, whether they have powers or not.

How long will it be on for?
Usually there will be 7 days before each scene, so depending on how many entries we get, it should be about a month.

When will it start?
It will start when we have a minimum of 35 entries and a maximum of 50. There will be a form inside this book where you can sign up to take part in the contest. If you are a member of ShutUpAndWriteClub then there will be a link posted on the sign-up channel for you.

How many characters can I use?
All the scenes have been written for one character. If another character is needed then you will know when the prompt has been posted

Where will the scenes be posted and where will I get the results?
Both will be posted in this book, so it is vital that you add this book to your library. You will be tagged in it as well.

Will I receive feedback on my scenes?
Yes, after each round you will receive feedback which will be posted in this book as well. If you pass each round, that's great, but if you don't, then you don't. Please do not boast if you pass or cause drama if you don't. This is a happy, fun contest. Let's keep it that way.

How much will I be expected to write?
Between 200 and 1,500 words would be fine

Where will I post the scenes when I've written them?
If you haven't already made one, then please create an assignment book/Survival of the Fittest book on your Wattpad profile. @mention both @the_suaw_awards, @jabrownoffical and @shutupandwriteclub in the first chapter and put #sotf2020 in the tag section

Are you recruiting judges?
No. We are not recruiting judges as we have enough.

Can I judge and participate as well?
If you already have your name down as being a judge then yes, you can do both.

How will the judging work?
Each judge will be given a list of users who's scenes they will judge. It will be up to the individual judges to decide who is in and who is out. However, if someone does not submit a scene by the deadline, then they will be automatically removed from the contest.

Hopefully I have answered everything. Please let me know if I've missed a question. Good luck with the contest, J x

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