𝓢𝓽𝓸𝓻𝔂 1, 𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓽 2 (EDITED!)

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Hazel's POV (continued)

We actually did end up walking out of the building together, and talked a little bit more. I learned that Caleb plays football, likes math and science, hates art but loves music, and also secretly plays the French horn. He told me that only his family knew, and none of his friends here at school did. I asked him why, and he said "Because they would tease me relentlessly! I think they'd tell me that French horn isn't very cool, and they would laugh at me." I didn't know what to say. Was Mr. Perfect and Popular telling me that his life wasn't all it seemed? "Wow, that's something. But you know what? I think it's cool that you play an instrument! I play piano and bassoon." And just like that, we were back to talking about light-hearted topics. 

As we said goodbye to each other and got on our buses, heading home, I was sort of in shock. We had come so far since the beginning of the school year. From enemies that competed with each other, to close friends. I thought about one of our fights that we had at the start of the school year. It was sort of funny, I don't even know why were fighting! And Bella kept teasing me about "Haleb", which definitely does not exist! Sometimes I just don't know where my best friend gets all these silly ideas. I most absolutely do not like Caleb that way. We are just friends, and probably won't ever be anything more! I looked out the window and fell into a flashback. 

(Flashback, one week after the first math test) 

C- "Hey. I bet you cheated on that science quiz"

H- "I most definitely did not! You're just jealous I got a perfect 100, and you got a 90. Sucks to be beat by someone not on your level, right?"

C- "I don't know why you hate me so much. Why do you accuse me, send me death glares, and yell at me?"

H- "Because you're rotten. All you do is brag about yourself, and the new girl you're dating every other week. Oh, I forgot about those football games. NOBODY CARES, OKAY? YOU ARE BEYOND CONCEITED. You won, you did better, so what? Life goes on. It's not always about you!" 


H- "No! I'm fed up with you, and I can't stand the sight of you. I won't  ever be able to be the smartest when you're around."

C- "Oh, that's what this is about? This is so silly. We should be the people in school that everyone looks up to. That everyone wants to be. I'm sorry for acting like I was stuck up, but I really like talking to you. I'm honestly intimidated by how smart you are. By how funny and nice you are. By how carefree you are. Why don't we start over?"

H- Start... over?... You know, that doesn't sound too bad. I'm sorry I called you stuck up, made assumptions about you, and kind of just went mad. And yes, I also like talking to you."

C- "I get it, I really do. It's fine, it's all water under the bridge now." 

And you know what? That was possibly the best decision I have ever made. Now, I have an amazing new friend. One that I would never have had in my wildest dreams.  

(Timeskip to the end of May, towards the end of the school year)

Every night when I was in bed, I couldn't stop thinking about Caleb. He was an amazing friend, the best study buddy, and someone who was always there for me. But now? Now, I wanted something more than just friends. Yes, I fell for the popular boy... I couldn't help myself! He's everything I could want in a potential boyfriend. We now had each other's phone numbers, emails, and snapchats. Sometimes on the weekends, we would stay up until 11 pm, talking about random things, just so we could talk. And during school, we would always work together, sit next to each other, walk down the hall together, and sometimes even eat lunch with each other. Our friends became friends too, and we sort of just merged into the new popular group, even though it didn't feel like it. 

And since today the teachers decided to give us a break after finals, and gave us no homework, Caleb and I made plans to hang out after school. We would walk around town a little bit, and then walk to his home, which was very close to the school. My mom would come pick me up in the evening, and then we could see each other at school again. Our friends wanted us to all hang out after school, but Caleb politely denied and said he wanted some one-on-one time with me. But we all definitely made plans to hang out on the last day of school at someone's house. 

(Timeskip to end of school day) 

Finally! The day was over, and now I could spend it with Caleb. It was getting more difficult to hide my true feelings from him. The more we hung out, the more I just wanted to tell him how I really felt. When we were in the grocery store buying some snacks, Caleb seemed really nervous and seemed to be debating something with himself. Once we got snacks and sat down in the café, he turned to me and blurted out, "Hazel... I really need to tell you something. I've been hiding this from you since after the little fight we had at the beginning of the year." I got worried, because what if it was something bad? I couldn't trust myself to say anything, so I just nodded and motioned for him to continue. "I know this is going to seem crazy, but... you know how there are people you just feel so comfortable around, and you never want them to leave? Because everything just seems better with them?" "Yeah, I think I get what you mean. Who's the lucky girl?..." I whispered. "I- Hazel... It- It's you. I've liked you since I saw you but I didn't want to say anything, in fear of ruining our beautiful friendship." Caleb stuttered out. My heart started racing, my face turned red. "Caleb? I... I like you, too. And more than friends." 

We looked into each other's eyes and smiled. A true, loving smile. We started leaning in towards each other, and I closed my eyes- I knew what was coming. Caleb's lips were on mine, his hand gently moving to hold my face. We held the kiss for a few more seconds, and pulled away from each other. 

"So this is what pure bliss feels like..." Caleb and I both whispered at the same time. 


Hi guys! I hope you enjoyed my first oneshot. Feel free to comment feedback! I'll be sure to keep updating with more stories! Thanks for reading, and I hope you have a lovely day. :)

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