ii. two

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"LISTEN UP, everybody!" addison le domas stood in front of the cafeteria, getting everybody's attention. "tonight is my 17th birthday and everyone is invited, the party starts at 8:30 at the le domas residence. see you there!" her cheerfulness is one of the many things the serial killer children hated. crystal elm high school is full of the children of horror heroes and final girls but also the threat of the new age of the horror killers' children.

if your parent survived, you are most likely the child of a hero. if not, you are the child of a villain.

among the villainous children, dana sat alone, waiting for the end of school to come. every student always waited in the cafeteria to leave. they got rid of homeroom after a fight broke loose that caused a boy to get stitches from none other than dana herself, her hook was a real hazard for other students, according to the spineless principal of crystal elm high school.

billie, meanwhile, was having a better time sitting alongside bryce, the guy who was always hitting on her. not many boys were quick to dawn over the chance of talking to billie, she wasn't the typical dream girl, not even close. she was considered a freak, like her father. though, with bryce, she was very cheeky knowing how much she could tease him.

"so are you going to addison's party?" he asked her, his arm laying on the table, behind billie.

"i'm not sure, you planning something?" billie gave him a smirk, not breaking their eye contact.

"yeah," bryce also began to smirk. "you know, we should make out sometime." bryce suggested, his flirtation really getting the best of him.

"aw," billie squeezed his cheeks. "you sure you could handle me?" she smiled at him before walking away to be by grayson and claire.

"you are getting in way over your head with her," kade said over a book he was reading.

"why don't you stick your nose back to where it belongs, in your book." bryce gave kade a passive aggressive smile before leaving to go annoy billie even more.

"well, you're a real joy, aren't you?" it was already too late for bryce to hear him since he was already past gone.

over in the distance was also adrian being a real bitch to dana. adrian was running his mouth, as he does, making fun of dana's hooked hand

"would you quit talking about me for two damn seconds, adrian?" dana had enough courage to stand up for herself, for once. it was hard for her to say anything without things getting violent.

"sorry, do i know you?" adrian laughed it off.

"no, you don't so why is my name in your mouth every living second of your life?" she asked, pounding her hand on the table.

"we all know you don't have any friends, dana. you are a weirdo. get over yourself, you disgusting piece of waste." adrian spat into her face. following the horrid exchange of words, dana rose her hook up and slashed close to adrian's cheek. nothing to kill him, only to mildly scare him. but, blood began to drip out his face before dana saw the blood on the tip of the hook. she pierced a cut into his cheek. one of dana's worst fears is becoming her father, though it was never apparent to her other peers.

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