x. ten

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BILLIE SIGHED as she watched isla's coffin lower into the ground. everyone around her had a somber expression on their face, not really sure how to feel about attending a funeral of someone they went to school with their whole life. sadie sobbed quietly into peter's shoulder, since this really took a toll on the girl. considering sadie had admitted her feelings to isla the night she was murdered, sadie was the last person isla saw before meeting her fate.

it was sad for the rest of teenagers, knowing it had gone too far now, the killer was in deep shit now. as the service finished up, the teenagers all gathered together.

"i'm gonna take sadie home, i'll see you guys around." peter said, waving to the others.

"i'll go with you guys.." dana said, walking to the boy before the three of them headed off.

"what are we supposed to do now?" adrian whisper shouted. "we can't stop that motherfucker now, he'll kill us all." he spat to billie.

"calm your fucking tits, loomis." she said gently. "we can't stop now, we have to do this for isla, she was one of us and we have to do this for everybody else who died. we can't give up now, i already almost sealed my fate. do you see me giving up?" she said.

"you're insane." the boy said, rolling his eyes.

"so what? if that makes me insane, lock me up in the asylum then." the girl said, raising her hands in defeat.

"adrian, it'll be okay.." alex said, giving adrian a soft smile. the rest of the group gave them a weird look, wondering why alex was being so sympathetic towards adrian.

"let's go.." adrian said, grabbing alex's wrist and taking them to his car.

"they're definitely hooking up." bryce said nonchalantly. billie rolled her eyes at him.

"let's all go before rumors start to spread like wildfires." billie laughed it off, taking bryce with her, as the rest of the group began to leave as well.

"you know i'm right." the boy smirked to her.

"doesn't mean it's true, everyone thinks the same thing with us.." she said.

"what if we were?" he said, smirking once again.

"take a cold shower." she responded.

"only if it's with you.." he said, the same smug expression written across his face.

"IS SHE doing any better?" dana asked as she sat with peter in the boy's living room.

"not right now but she should be soon." peter signed as he gave the girl a soft smile. "i can't imagine what she's going through right now."

"yeah, losing your best friend has to be awful.." dana said, as she felt a wave a guilt come over her, feeling guilty that she was more fortunate than sadie.

"i couldn't imagine losing you.." peter mumbled, really not wanting the girl to hear him. unfortunately for him, she did hear him. but fortunately, dana didn't mind it, she enjoyed peter and his company.

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