iii. three

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THE MONDAY morning of school was one big tourist destination for news outlets. almost every news station wanted to get ahold of the story of addison le domas' death and its tragedy, especially getting the points of view from fellow students of the school she attended before her murder. some were more sympathetic of her death, others were clearly there for publicity and then, they're others avoiding the story in its entirety; one of those people being adrian loomis. his father and one of his high school friends being involved with the murder of sydney prescott's mother and many more students at their school, adrian hates being associated with his father because everyone talks so ill of billy loomis. when a microphone was confronted on that monday in adrian's face, he simply flipped off the camera that was filming for the news and walked away.

completely annoyed with the news reporters, he walked into the school doors and immediately walked over to alexander voorhees. he didn't say anything to the boy, just grabbed his wrist and headed down the hallway for the janitor's closet.

"where are you taking me?" alexander let out a laugh.

"shh, people are going to hear you, alex!" adrian said, holding a finger over his lips.

shortly afterwards, adrian shoved alex into the janitor's closet, quickly closing the door behind them. before alex could get another word in, adrian grabbed the collar of alex's shirt and leaned him towards adrian's face, alex slowly kissing him back.

the few days ago, the night of addison's brutal passing, alex and adrian were doing something else. after being coldly ignored by rachel for comfort, alex slowly drank and began to lose count on how many drinks he had. but, one thing led to another and the two teenagers were drawn to one another.

alex pulled away quickly after about a minute.

"what are we doing, adrian? this isn't normal, is it?" alex said, his hands in his hair.

"it feels pretty good to me." adrian smiled, now running his fingers through alex's hair.

alex began laughing at adrian, feeling ticklish by adrian's fingers.

"you can't tell anyone about this or i'll end you." adrian said, trying to cover up the softer side of his personality.

adrian had a hard time opening up and showing a much more delicate side to himself. alex knew this and he just wanted adrian to be okay with opening up to alex. alex would do anything for adrian.

"of course i won't tell, this'll be our little secret." alex said, giving adrian a kiss on the cheek, followed by a smile from adrian.

"thanks." adrian said, his cheeks slowly turning a light shade of pink.

"EVERYWHERE I look, there's a fucking camera in my face." jensen said, slamming her locker door. "what is the deal with the school letting all these reporters be here? it doesn't make sense." she said, continuing on her long rant about the morning.

"just like everyone thinks, they want to find who killed that girl on friday and the only fucking way to find out is terrorizing teenagers into spilling our guts out." bryce said, rolling his eyes.

"i swear, because i have these," she said, raising her razor glove up to sight. "it automatically makes me a murderer." she groans in displeasure.

"it's not just you, sister. they think i'm going to throw someone into a damn wall or something, everyone here are dumbasses." bryce said, crossing his arms.

as soon as the two turned the corner to another hallway, cameras began to immediately flash at the teenagers. jensen began to dig her finger knives into the lenses and bryce began shoving reporters out of his way.

"freaks!" a student yelled out, followed by jensen flipping them off with her finger knive.

THE ENTIRE day, i've had my headphones in. of course i normally have them in, but it's absolutely gut wrenching to walk around the halls, with lights flashing everywhere. my dad would've hated this, you know, considering he didn't talk, ever. the only time i ever get noticed around here is if i'm being insulted.

"ophelia!" billie called out, ophelia not hearing the girl. before the photographers could get to them, billie pulled them by their sleeve into an empty, dim lit classroom, where the rest of the children on horror villains were.

"okay since everybody's here," billie said, walking towards the middle of the classroom, as if she were a teacher. "what the fuck are we going to do about this shit? this whole murder is going to ruin us." billie complained.

"how do we know it wasn't any of us that killed her?" rachel said out aloud, pretty much to what everyone else was thinking.

"now's not the fucking time to point fingers." billie said, almost wanting to lunge herself towards rachel and punch the girl in the face.

"why are we here anyways?" hela asked, sitting in the corner of the classroom.

"we need to regroup on what's going to happen next." billie said.

"and what exactly is going happen next, you clown!" dana yelled at billie, immediately lunging towards the girl, quickly being held back by alex and grayson.

"first, can we quit fighting? my arms are getting tired from holding all of you back!" alex complained, trying to make the best of this unlikely situation.

"alex is right, we need to listen to billie!" claire declared. "now, what's your plan?" she said, gesturing towards billie.

"we need to stop the murders before there's anymore." she said, opening her notebook full of bullet points and notes.

"wait wait wait, time out!" adrian said, going to the front of the room. "am i the only one who thinks this is all bullshit?" he said, asking the room.

"adrian's right! this is crazy!" ava squeaked from the back of the room.

"wait, who are you?" adrian asked.

"ava check, i've known you for years, but that's besides the point." she said, rolling her eyes.

"her mom's a milf!" bryce joked, wanting to get under her skin.

"bryce, i will cut you!" ava yelled at him. "anyways, billie, you want us to be good?" she asked, very questionable to what the girl's intentions were.

"yeah, what's so weird about it?" she said.

"oh i don't," ava said, sarcastically. "our parents are murderers!" she said, pacing the floor.

"that's why you're all here, we're going to change what happens, we're not going to be like our parents." billie said.

author's note!

i know it's been a hot second since
i wrote for dead meat but here you
go! <3

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