vii. seven

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"CUT THE shit, downs! why are we actually here?" isla said, pissed to be in this situation again.

"he's doing this for his girlfriend, i bet!" rachel said, laughing to herself.

"would you shut the hell up, rachel? billie isn't my fucking girlfriend." he said, now more aggressive.

"god, get over yourself." she was taken aback by such aggression towards herself, since it was just a joke.

"if none of you can get your heads out of your asses, it's going to billie and i saving this stupid ass town." the boy said, rolling his eyes. "are you ready or not?"

"we're all in, we've already said that!" jensen said, pounding a fist on the table. "can we get on with how we're going to do this?" she said, very impatient with bryce.

bryce began to take a dry erase marker and start writing out what him and billie came up with, each of the people in the room paying attention to what he was writing.

"WAIT SERIOUSLY everyone's in?!" billie exclaimed, sitting across from grayson, waiting for the bell to ring.

"yeah, it was all bryce's idea to get us all together. you know, he really cares about you." grayson gave her look, then looked towards bryce in the same room.

"i know but i just.. don't know, maybe it's too good to be true, gray. he is known to be a player and i'm unsure if he's serious.." the girl trailed off, feeling very insecure about herself and the time her and bryce spent together. "about me.. and him."

grayson gave her extremely wide eyes.

"he was the only person willing to help you get everything put together after all of us were douches and didn't help you. he made sure everyone would help out and make this all work. and you think it's too good to be true?" he said.

"i.. just need time to think about it, i guess.." she said, once again trailing off.

"the only person who didn't get on board with your idea was, well, dana." grayson said, scratching at the back of his neck.

"figures, she's still pissed about last year.." billie said, shrugging her shoulders because, well, there wasn't anything billie could do to sway the girl over.

"it's only one person, there's plenty of us who will help, we're all going to stick together. especially me." grayson smiled to the girl, receiving one back from her.

"THIS IS all your fault!" claire said, sitting across from bryce. he was confused to why she was so mad.

"you're gonna have to remind me what i did this time.." bryce said, waiting for what she was going to say.

"i'm, ugh!" claire hid her face in her hands, digging her nails down her face, leaving white scratches down her forehead. "i can't be normal around grayson now, after what you said about," she paused, lowering her voice. "us kissing."

"you know i was kidding, right?" he said, forming a smile from the corner of his mouth.

"i get that but now, i'm awkward around him because what if he likes me?" she said with widen eyes.

"or maybe you like him." bryce said.

"as fucking if!" claire said, slamming her hands on the table. "are you serious? you're wild, bryce!" she began laughing at the idea of her liking grayson, in that way.

"i get you're trying to hide the fact of your feelings, claire, but it's pretty noticeable how you both have feelings for one another." bryce said, nonchalantly.

"oh and it's the same way with you and billie, huh?" claire said, trying to defend herself. to get the attention away from her.

"you know what? fuck you, this isn't about billie and i!" bryce said, getting upset with her.

"and this isn't about me and grayson either! fuck you too!" claire said, flipping him off as she walked away.

i guess you could say it was a lover's quarrel, though they were talking about their own relationships. odd.

AS THE events of school had ended, it was the same routine for dana. she walked home from school, her earbuds in her ears, listening to the music she was used to. it was a rather nice day, other than the fact she was bothered once again into being apart of something she wasn't interested in; helping others. the girl gave up the concept of helping others, you have to fend for yourself in a world full of selfish and cruel people. why would she want to help somebody else?

"it's candygirl!" bully scott thompson exclaimed, pointing his finger at the girl. son of nancy thompson, the first survivor of freddy krueger. alongside him was his friend, joseph strode, son of laurie strode, survivor of michael myers. they were the regular bullies to the killer's children, since they believe they have a higher position than anybody in the school, just because of their parents.

dana tried her best to ignore the bullies, beginning to walk home with a more pep in her step, getting home as fast as she could without running.

"i bet she's scared!" joseph laughed alongside his friend, making some more jokes about the girl, who'd done nothing to either of them.

while focusing on her music, dana had lost focus on the bullies, not realizing they were about to strike. scott had taken the back of collar of the girl's shirt and pulled her onto the ground. she hit her head on the pavement as she felt a ringing through her ears. the two boys laughed above her, making more cruel jokes to her.

she felt her nose start to sting as the blood began to trickle from it.

"get her!" joseph said, more angrily now as they began to kick the girl from both sides.

she hadn't realized what she was about to do, pulling a small pocket mirror from her back pocket.

"candyman." she breathed out, feeling like she was going to pass out. "candyman." she said, again, as her eyes began to water. "candyman." she said, feeling the kicks become more violent. "candyman." the pain was soon going to be over.


nothing had happened in the first few moments, until the attack on her stopped. joseph began to freeze up, as a hook was impaled through his torso, blood immediately gushing out. scott tried to run, to get his friend some help, only to be decapitated, his previously put together neck, now splatting blood from it.

dana began to scream as she had realized what she'd done, not only killed the two bullies but bring the figure standing behind her.

"there's my little girl." the deep voiced figure said behind her. she whipped her neck, only to see nothing. he was now gone.

with blood all over her clothes and her face, she knew what she had to do. get help.

count me in.

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