ix. nine

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"I HOPE you don't mind me asking but what's going on with you and dana?" ophelia asked the boy as he twisted the lock to get his books.

"what'd you mean? we're friends." peter simply smiled to them, unsure to what exactly they meant in that certain context.

"do you like her? y'know, more than friends?" they asked, giving him a grin.

"what? n-no, you've got the wrong idea." the boy said, feeling his heart rate fasten. this wasn't normal for peter, he never thought about liking someone as more than friends.

"oh come on, i saw how you both were comforting each other today.." they said. "there has to be something going on."

"listen ophelia, could you not get into that, please? dana and i are friends, nothing more. got that?" peter said, closing his locker and walking away.

they stood there, looking at the empty space that used to be peter in front of them.

"SO, ABOUT the other day, i'm really sorry about walking away from you. i'm just unsure on what i feel, how i feel about.. us." billie said, practicing what she was going to say to the boy with her friend, claire. "you think it's good enough?" she asked her friend.

"i'm sorry, what?" claire had zoned out, still thinking about grayson and her's relationship, constantly. it was practically the only thing on her mind.

"you still thinking about grayson?" billie said, sympathetically. she knew the both of them were going through the same troubles at the moment.

"yeah." the girl said with a sigh. "i wish my mind wasn't so laser focused on him.. it's really getting to me." she said, lying her head down.

a light bulb went off in billie's head, her getting the best idea for their struggles.

"isn't thomas barclay having a party tonight?" she asked the overwhelmed girl.

"yeah?" she said in confusion, unsure what her friend was thinking.

"you and i should go, get our minds off the boys for a night. sound good?" billie said with a devilish grin.

"couldn't hurt, would it?" claire said, now with a soft smile across her face.

THE BASS pounded in the ears of all the partygoers. it was very eerie throwing a party knowing the fate of addison le domas, but nonetheless, the party had an excellent turnout. everyone seemed to be having a blast, drinking and forgetting everything from the past week, ready for the hangover many would have on the weekend. one of those people being bryce downs, feeling all too upset after not hearing anything from billie after the past few days of them being very close to each other. he was at his worst at the party, consuming all too much alcohol, smoking one too many cigarettes and well, kissing way too many girls for his count. after being blown off, he hadn't considered them a thing anymore, completely giving up his chances with the girl, questioning whether they would ever be a thing.

after so many beers, a couple of people looked really good to him, especially ava check, who he would normally find absolutely repulsive. his beer goggles were in full effect at the party, making him very brave to confront her.

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