xi. eleven

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MONDAY MORNING was about as bad as it normally was for sadie torrance but it was ten times worse without isla being there. every class they normally would've had together was no more, lunch wasn't the same either nor was the meeting with the other serial killer kids.

"sadie? you're crying." peter said to his sister, who had tears rolling down her cheeks. she immediately fled out of the room as the rest of the serial killer kids looked confused.

peter started to stand up but was quickly stopped by dana.

"let me handle this, girl to girl." dana smiled, as peter nodded to her, sitting back down.

dana walked towards the bathroom, hearing the crying coming from sadie.

"sadie? is everything okay?" dana knocked, making sure it was her.

"my whole world is falling apart.. so not exactly.." sadie answered, sniffling as she tried to calm herself down.

"i know everything seems bad right now and trust me, it does but i promise, things will get better from here." dana tried reassuring the girl. she laid her head against the door, really hoping sadie would be willing to communicate with her.

silence filled the bathroom as was heard the smallest amount of sniffling. soon enough, sadie had unlocked the stall, standing with her arms crossed in front of dana.

"thanks for being so close with my brother. peter hasn't really had the best track record when it comes to girls.." she said.

"oh? we're j-just friends.." dana stuttered out.

"sure, that's what they all say. but if you hurt him with that hook of yours, i'll end you.." sadie had the final word in before exiting the bathroom, leaving dana with a confused expression on her face.

"wait, hold up sadie!" dana called out to sadie. she ran through the hallway to catch up to the girl. "wait, did peter say something about me?" the girl began to get nervous. she never got nervous around boys usually but when it came to peter, she surprisingly got shy.

"yeah but just some advice, don't worry too much. he really likes you." sadie said, smiling to the girl lightly. she did her best to get along with dana, though they are far from being friends. but she knew peter would be happy if they tried to get along.

sadie had finally fully walked away from dana, leaving the girl smiling from ear to ear in the empty hallway.

"SO, WHEN are you planning on going home?" kade said, a lunch tray in his hands, walking alongside jensen. jensen hadn't been able to face her guardian ever since he was attacked by some inanimate force, therefore, she continued to stay with kade, who was afraid of the girl.

"soon, i promise." jensen assured kade, nodding her head harshly. and she wanted to go home, but was too afraid. she knew she didn't want to lie to kade because she was trying her best to get home, just one day at a time.

the two had sat down at a lunch table, where hela, alex and adrian were all sitting.

"can you please settle an argument, kade?" hela said, giving the boy a smile. he immediately got flustered, nodding his head. jensen has gave him a look, wiggling her eyebrows, suggesting something that he immediately knew what she was referring to. he rolled his eyes, focusing back on hela.

"so what's better, movies or books?" she asked him.

"easy, movies." he smiled.

"that's no fair! books are way better!" alex exclaimed.

"no way, movies all the way!" adrian argued. "i mean, what about you, finger knife?" he pointed to jensen, forgetting her name. she quietly snarled to herself.

"movies, obviously." she shrugged, popping a tater tot into her mouth. alex slammed his head to the table, everyone laughing at him. if only times could always be this easy. but unfortunately, this had to be put on hold.

"attention all!" the principal exclaimed to the student body. an agreement in groaning echoes through the cafeteria, nobody wanted to hear what this guy thought. "tonight, we will be mourning the loss of scott thompson and joseph strode at 7:30 on the baseball field." he smiled, before leaving the stage.

"not even anything for isla." jensen had rolled her eyes, her hand in her elbow. soon enough, a light bulb had gone off in her head. she paraded up to the stage herself, turning the mic back on.

"hi, everybody, can i have your attention please?" she waved to the entire cafeteria. kade has his face covered with his hands out of embarrassment.

"i would like to let everybody know that isla romano also passed yet you can't lift a finger to honor or pay your respects. so let me just bring to light that she passed a few days ago, whether or not you are ready to hear it. if you honor one student, honor them all. thank you." she smiled sarcastically, before walking back down to her seat.

"didn't think you had it in you." adrian gave her a slow clap as she gave him a snarky smile.

"um, jen." kade tapped her, pointing in an opposite direction. she looked to a staff member pointing to her, gesturing to come in their direction.

"shit." she rolled her eyes.

"I HOPE you know why you're all here." the assistant principal dragged on her speech. jensen has gotten in trouble for "speaking out of place." as completely stupid as it was getting in trouble, she had to serve a day in detention. "today in detention, you'll be doing our janitor's job. get to work, heathens." she said, opening a supply closet and leaving the gymnasium. this was gonna be torture.

"i think we should get this done as quickly as possible, i have to go to get the memorial tonight." elsie prescott smiled slyly as she looked to the other detention attendees.

"go team!" rachel said, laughing to herself.

"i'm not a cheerleader." elsie said, defensively, giving rachel a smug glare.

"maybe you should.." rachel trailed off, looking at her fingernails.

"shouldn't you be dead like your daddy?" heath williams said, wrapping his arm around elsie for protection, as if rachel were to hurt the girl.

"aw, is the pretty boy offended by me? go to hell." rachel rolled her eyes, flipping him off. jensen, meanwhile snickered in the corner.

"what's so funny? you mental?" heath spat to jensen. of course, jensen doesn't take so kindly to people who insult her. the girl scared the boy by clawing at him once, just to make him jump.

"what's so scary?" jensen asked, mocking the boy.

"just so you know," elsie poked her head from behind heath's. "you both are freaks and will never belong here. there's a reason your friends don't get a memorial. it's because they probably killed our friends." elsie said.

"you goody goody's are so quick to point the fingers to us but guess what, fuck you. you aren't any better, you just want pity for yourselves because you think your lives are so hard." jensen said, throwing up her middle finger before going to grab a mop and clean up the gym. she wanted nothing more than to leave this school, no matter where she went.

author's note!

yes yes, i updated :D

𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐃 𝐌𝐄𝐀𝐓 ➵ 𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐋𝐘 𝐅𝐈𝐂Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang