Part 11

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Lili pov

I woke up the next day with a text from Cole

C-" good morning beautiful you're probably still asleep because it's early but wanted to let you know, that I'm at practice so if I don't answer you know why. I had a really great time yesterday I hope you did as well, i can't wait to see you. ❤️" I smiled big at the message, it's literally the best thing to wake up to.

L-" morning Cole. Yeah I was asleep, so sorry for first answering you now. It was amazing yesterday. I really had a great time so thank you for that. What's ya doing after practice?❤️"

I send the text and putted my phone down. He probably won't answer anytime soon. I took a shower and just got some random clothes on. After I was done i got a message. From Cole.

C-" great! Nothing I think maybe hanging with kj, drew and Charles wanna come? You can bring Casey ☺️" L-" hhm good idea, I'll ask Casey just text me where and when." C-" sure thing."

I walked to Casey's room, L-"case?" Ca-"yeah?" I walked in and sat on the bed. L-"Cole-" Ca-" uuuhhh, what what what!?!" L-" reeeelax!" L-" wanna hang out with me, Cole, Drew, Kj and Charles?" Ca-" oh yeah sure. You got work tomorrow?" L-" okay great! I'll let him Cole know and yeah I do, please tell me you do to." Ca-" i do, we can go together."

I nodded and walked out.

Cole pov

C-" guys is it okay Lili and Casey comes with us?"

I asked hoping it was okay. k-" yeah for sure, we're going to my place right?" Dr-" yeah and of course they can" C-" great" just as they agreed Lili texted back. L-" Casey's coming too. Where to and when?" C-" great. Kj's place in an hour" L-"perfect see ya x" C-" yeah x" I smiled and put my phone down. Ch-" she sent a picture of her boobs, didn't she?" Charles asked. C-" dude what the fuck, no she didn't!" Ch-" yeah sure" C-" could you not, we've only been on one date" Dr-" oh great! You did ask her out!" drew yelled at me from the shower.

C-"yeah I did." K-" how did it go?" C-" great actually" Ch-" you didn't screw her, did you?" C-" Charles stop it, seriously stop!" Ch-" okay okay I'm kidding, did you?" C-" no you idiot, I'm trying not to be like that remember?!" Ch-" oh yeah right sorry" I rolled my eyes at him and went to shower.

After we got done we drove to kj's house.

Dr-" when are Lili and Casey coming?" C-"they'll probably be here in 20"

Lili pov

L-"cas we're leaving!" I yelled after him, meanwhile I got my shoes on. Ca-" coming!" he skipped down the hall. L-" in a good mood i see" Ca-"yeah someone gotta be, mister moody." L-" hahah funny," Ca-" I'm driving." L-" okay but then I'll pick the music," Ca-" fair enough."

It's actually my first time at kj's place, I'm kinda excited to see how he lives.

Ca-" we're here!" L-" great, I actually thought he would live in a house and not an apartment." Ca-" yeah me too."

We walked up to the door, Casey knocked. C-" Hey!" Cole said with a big smile when he opened the door. Ca-" Hey dude" Casey said and walked in to the others. It was only me and Cole by the door C-"I'm glad you guys came." L-"yeah me too" I hang my jacket and hugged him.

C-" but especially you" he whispered in my ear. I pulled away from the hug and kissed his cheek afterwards went in to the others. L-" Hey guys" Dr-" hey Lil" I sat next to drew on the couch. I've become really good friends with them all but haven't been that much with Charles. L-" it's a nice place you got here kage," K-"thanks."

Cole came in the room as well he sat besides me. I smiled at him and turned to talk with Kj.

Hours went by we talked and had fun. The guys insistent that I had to learn some video games, since I'm the only girl in our little friend group. I didn't really have a choice. It did go fine I think, but they didn't stop laughing at me. L-"okay I'm done with this shit" I said throwing the controller on the couch, K-"I'm starving! What should we eat?" Ch-" we could order Chinese or pizza" L-"PIZZZZZAAAA!" I yelled at them. They all busted out in laugh C-" still going with the pizza I see" he walked over and put his arm around me.

K-" sure why not" L-"yes!" I whispered to myself, which clearly Cole heard because he laughed again. Kj ordered pizza K-" guys they can't deliver so can maybe two if you walk there? It's not that fare." C-" yeah sure me and Lili can go" L-" umm yeah sure, we can go" Kj-"perfect he said they were finished in 20 min and it takes 15 to walk there, so you should probably get going. " C-" okay we'll go now then" he said dragging my with him.

Cole pov

We got our shoes on and left the house L-" nice with some fresh air" Lili said, taking a deep breath in. C-" yeah it is" we started walking. I grabbed her hand and Invite her fingers with mine, she took my hand as well and smiled at me. We walked in complete silence but it didn't matter, I liked being with her, which is weird because I'm not use to being like this. I kinda like it, it's a feeling I could get use to. Maybe I should ask her to be my girlfriend, I'm just scared that it's to fast or she doesn't want to date me. L-" COLE?!" C-"yeah what sorry. I was in my own thoughts for a sec" L-"yeah i could tell, you didn't listen" C-" sorry" L-" it's okay, I think we're here." C-" oh yeah."

After we got it we walked home. Her hand in my. My hand in hers. Just like, i like it. We got closer to the house. C-"Lili?" I said stopped up holding her back with my hand. L-"yeah what's up?" I placed one hand on her cheek C-" can I kiss you?" I whispered, hoping she could hear it. She nodded. I pulled her closer and locked my lips with her. It was a sweet loving kiss. I pulled away with my forehead against hers C-" thank you" I breathed out. She picked my lips quick and took my hand as we walked up to the house again.

K-" thank God you guys are back!" kj runned to us and grabbed the pizza, he didn't even notice we still was holding hands.

The rest of the night went by fast. Casey and I drove home at 11 and got ready for bed. Ca-"mine or your room?" L-" I don't care" Ca-"okay mine then." we sleep together all the time, we're basically siblings. We talked for a long time. I told him all about Cole and I walking home holding hands all that stuff. I feel asleep that night, with a better feeling then I've had in a long time.


Insta - @riverdaleisthebestandcole

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