A New Tradition

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~Chris and you have been friends since grade school. You always talked and loved hanging out with each other. Even when he decided to become an actor you were extremely supportive of him, even though you knew you wouldn't get to see him as often. When he moved to California and you stayed in Boston it was especially hard.~

It was the day before your birthday and Chris said that he might not be able to make it back to Boston to celebrate. One of your favorite traditions with each other was to watch the ghostbusters movies the day before your birthday, and now that tradition might not continue. You were pretty upset, but knew that it wasn't his fault. Just then your phone rang. The caller ID said it was Chris.

"Hey there meatball." You said when you answered the phone.

"Hey, y/n. I just wanted to wish you a happy birthday in person." He replied.

"How exactly do you plan on doing that? What with being across the country and all." You asked rather skeptical of the scheme Chris might be pulling.

"Just open your door."

You could hear the slight annoyance in his voice and laughed a little. "Okay, okay. I'm going." As you opened the door you saw Chris standing there, his duffel bag over his shoulder and holding the ghostbusters movies in one hand. You hung up the phone and threw your arms around his neck and hugged him. "I can't believe I actually thought you weren't coming." You pulled away and looked at him, the two of you smiling like idiots.

"You know I wouldn't miss it for the world, y/n." He said and walked inside your apartment. "So, you got any beers?"

You smirked at him. "Of course I do. It's my staple." You said and walked into the kitchen. "So, what's Mr. Evans been up to lately?" You ask and grab two beers and close the fridge.

"Oh, you know. Famous people stuff." He joked and took a beer from your hand.

"Ah. So vague yet so understandable." You said sarcastically. "Especially for a nobody who works in finance."

Chris laughed a little. "Hey, you're not a nobody to me. Now let's start watching these movies!" Chris sat down as you put the DVD in and then started the movie.

You guys laughed at all the great scenes. Especially the ones that had to do with your inside jokes. Towards the middle of the second movie, Chris put his arm around you. Although you weren't fully expecting it, you went with it and set your head on his shoulder. Chris looked down at you, examining every feature of your face.

"Chris why-" Just as you were about to ask him why he was staring at you so strange he cut you off by kissing you.

He pulled away. "Sorry, was that weird?"

You smiled and chuckled a little. "Not at all." You pulled his face back to yours and kissed him firmly. He pushed you back onto the couch and climbed on top of you, never pulling away from your lips.

"I'm thinking this should be a part of the tradition every year." He joked and kissed you again.

"I think that's a lovely idea."

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