▀▄▀▄💎𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 19💎▄▀▄▀

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five months have passed in this story

also do you guys like my new theme

Mattia's POV
Kairi had woken up sick again, which was confusing. Dr. Parker had said that most morning sickness went away in the first trimester, but Kai was well into the second. She did say that some people experience the sickness all through pregnancy, which I hoped was not going to happen.

"Hey baby," I mutter as he crawls back into bed. He had locked me out of the bathroom, so I couldn't go in and help.

"Hi." His voice was rough from throwing up. He cuddled right into my arms, his sweaty body sticking uncomfortably.

I handed him the water from my bedside table, unable to reach his cup. He shook his head, and burrowed further into the covers.

"Kai, you have to drink something." I say, lifting the sheets back from his face. He whined, and pulled back the blankets. "Fine. Water is right here if you want it."

I got up out of bed, and got dressed in running clothes. I had no work to do, and Kairi probably wouldn't be up for another half hour, so why not go for a run?

I wrote a note, and set it on my pillow, grabbed my phone and earbuds, then went downstairs to get my shoes.


3rd POV
Kairi sat on his knees, staring at the toilet. He'd woken up, and almost vomited in bed. He had no idea what was making him so nauseous, but he hated it.

"Mattia?" Kairi called out, waiting for an answer. He groaned when the man didn't respond, and shouted louder.

Why the hell isn't he answering me? Kairi thought, pressing a hand to his churning stomach. He threw up for the second time that morning, acid burning his mouth. He rinsed with mouthwash, coughing at the strong mint.

The small man stumbled trying to stand, and steadily made his way back to the bed. He grabbed his phone from the nightstand and opened his messages.

Mattia had texted, saying he was going for a walk and should be back before he woke up. "Clearly you're back." Kairi muttered, scrolling through the rest of his notifications.

He was still tired, and decided to sleep until Mattia returned.

-timeskip a few hours-

Mattia's POV
"Kai, have you seen my contacts?"

"Should be by the sink in the upstairs bathroom."

I looked, and sure enough the box was there. I put the lens in, then went downstairs to where Kairi was making dinner.

"What are you up to?" I ask, sliding my hand around his hip, and coming up beside him.

"I'm making a thing, and forgot what the thing is called." Kairi explained, completely confusing me. In the pan was a mix of rotini noodles, mozzarella, tomatoes, and leaves. I think it was basil.

"Is it like a Caprese salad?" I suggest, and he nods.

"Capri Sun salad."

I had to take a second to process what he'd said. "No, it's Caprese. Cah-pray-zie."

He looks at me in confusion. "That's what I said."

"No, you said Capri-Sun. Like the juice box."

Kai shrugs, and turns back to the stove. "Same thing."

3rd POV
The man finished making the meal, and was keeping the pans warm on the back burner until the two decided they were ready to eat. It was nearing dinner time anyways, so Kairi went upstairs to wash up.

-timeskip to after dinner-

Mattia's POV
"Mattia! Come quick!" Kairi shouted from the bedroom.

I sprinted upstairs as fast as I could, tripping more times than I'd like to say. "What? What's wrong? Are you okay?" I breathe out, then inhale deeply. A bit out of breath from running the entire length of the house.

Kairi had one hand on the dresser, and one hand on his bump. His eyes were wide in-what I hoped was-shock. "G-give me your hand." He whispered, looking up at me.

I let him take my hand, as he presses it to his navel.
"Kai, what-whoa..."

His eyes sparkle with excitement. "Did you feel that?! Isn't it cool!"

"So cool," I was in awe. Feeling that tiny flutter unlocked a whole new sense of protectiveness and care I never realized I had. Level up. "What does it feel like for you? Does it hurt?"

Kairi's POV
I shook my head. "Nah, it just feels like a poke." I said as Mattia presses his other hand to my stomach.

"This is crazy," Mattia muttured. I don't think he realized he was talking aloud.

"She can finally like... interact with us!" I say, smiling up at him. Mattia's eyes were wide, and he just looked shocked.

"'She'..?" He asked, looking at me with confusion.

"I kinda feel like it might be a girl.." I felt my cheeks heat up in a blush. Neither of us knew the gender yet, the doctor was going to give us something at our next visit for the gender reveal. "But it could just as easily be a boy! I was just, you know..."

Mattia laughed. "You want a girl?"

I nod, leaning into his chest. I feel him rest his arms on my back in a lazy hug, and wat for his next response.

"To be honest, whenever I pictured us as a family it was always a little brown-eyed girl. She was a mirror-image of you, but had my curls." Mattia said. I smiled at how he pictured us as a family before we even had one.

"Well, lets hope your picture is real."

What do you guys actually want to see happen because this shit is getting repetetive. I wish I could skip over a bunch of the extra stuff, but then it'd sound like a health class textbook

Oh, also the baby shower is next chapter


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