The Airport

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I got out and got my bag from the other side. Then I saw it. The same Charger that honked at me. The guy parked next to me, even though there was more open spots closer to the airport and I walked away when he came to me with a rapist smile. I heard footsteps behind me, so I walked faster. 

I just got to the door, when the same guy slammed me against the wall beside the door. He pinned me against the wall by pushing my shoulders against the concrete with his palms. I tried squirming away, but no avail. He was about to kiss me, when the same man with brown hair walked up to us. I was about to say something, when the man pinning me put his hand over my mouth.

I then remembered my gun. I had a free hand, so I reached to it. it was in between my jeans and my belt because it was small and I didn't have a case for it. I did have a concealed carry with me, so if they asked, I would show them that, but I would probably get it taken away. The man with brown hair walked up to us and tapped the other guy's shoulder.

 He didn't respond. Instead, he stared at me with the same rapist smile. I pulled out the gun and bit his hand. He jumped back and I rested the gun back where it was before. The brown haired man stepped in between both of us with his back to me.

"What do you think you're doing there, sir," he asked the other man.

"Is she yours," He went rigid and I stepped in front of him. He tried to pull me back, but then he gave up.

"I'm nobody's anything. But if you're asking if we're together, yes we are, so fuck off and leave us alone."

He left to his car and drove off. I made sure he was away from us, when I turned around. The man was blushing a light shade of pink when I grabbed his wrist and dragged him into the building. I let go and went to a security guard. The man followed me, which I didn't mind because I could've been... *cough cough* you know what if he wouldn't have been there.

I cleared my throat and the 6'2" tall guard turned around and instantly had his eyes on my breasts. I sighed and started talking.

"I have a registered Ruger SR22 in my pocket and it's a concealed carry. Can I bring it on with me?"

"Sure baby girl. I'll tell them that I said you could." I held in my gag and thanked him. I almost forgot that the man was still there, so I almost fell into the guard. The man caught me and pulled me back up. We walked to the bag check and got in the small-ish line.

"So, what's your name," I asked him. He turned to me and stuck his hand out.

"Adam." I shook his hand.

"Well Adam, I'm (y/n). Nice to meet my almost hero."

I talked about why I was going to PAX, when I was at the front of the line. I put my stuff in the tub and the same guard pushed my stuff into that box-like thing to check. He nodded and I took my stuff out. We walked to the seats and I sat down. He didn't so I grew curious.

"Why aren't you sitting down," I asked.

"Because- Oh hey! My flight just got here. Bye (y/n)!"

He left and went on the plane and left me sitting. I waited there for what seemed like four hours, when the plane finally landed. I joined the multiple people to get on, and they let me on with no hassle. I was glad that I met Adam, but I probably wouldn't see him anymore. I get on the plane and listen to music through it all.


Author: Sorry if these are shorter than others, quarantine has been a b- oh! Hey mom! *nervously smiles*

Mom: What were about to say? *gives me 'the look'*

Author: Um.... blessing. A blessing. *starts to sweat*

Mom: *squints eyes* Okay. *leaves*

Author: Hopefully, you know what I meant. Oh! And the picture is a Ruger SR22, the gun that you have in the story.


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