Andrew's Mistake

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I saw Henrik, JJ, Robbie, Sean, and Marvin on the floor with bruises and cuts on them, and Jackie fighting....


Jackie was beaten up and he fell on the floor on his knees in front of Andrew with his head down. Andrew raised his clawed fist slightly, so I ran over. He had his fist ready to finish Jackie, but I was behind him. He plunged it down, but I caught it mid-swing. Jackie looked up and Andrew looked over to me with crazed eyes. My face went from fear, to anger. Andrew's face went from crazy, to fear. I let go of his wrist and his aura went away.

"I knew I couldn't trust a demon," I said to his face. I started walking away, when he grabbed my wrist with a normal hand. I turn back to him and he's on the verge of crying.

"I'm so sorry. I can't control that part of me when they get on my nerves. P-please, don't go, I-I...." He started crying and I pulled him in a hug. He cried into my shoulder, but the tears were neon green and black. I rubbed his back softly and he calmed down.

"What were you going to say?"

"I need you. You're the only one who can help with outbreaks. You weaken him. If you leave, I might kill everything and everybody I come in contact with," he said while wiping his tears from his eyes. I nod and look at my shoulder. It's covered in tears. He looks at it and starts apologizing, but I laugh. He stops and I tell him.

"All you need now it a dress, because you're ready for a womanly breakdown. But I'm going to change my shirt."

He nods and I go to my bag. I grab the black crop top and the 'I Hate Human Interaction' sweatshirt. Sam floated into my arms as fast as a plane and I chuckle.

"You can't go 1 hour without me, can you?"

He squeals and I let him go. I motion him to stay there, and he does. I go to the bathroom and lock the door after it's closed. I change from my first shirt to the other shirt and sweatshirt. I open the door and walk out to see all of the unconscious guys on the couch, looking like a hospital. I go back in and look for a first aid kit. No luck. I walk back out and go to Henrik.

"Do you have anything that can help with these wounds that you and your brothers have," I ask. He nods and gets up. I help him to his room and he gets a medical bag from a cabinet. He hands it to me and I walk back to everybody with him so I can heal them to the best of my abilities. I set the bag down while kneeling in front of Sean. He had a black eye, cut cheek, and a bloodied side. I looked inside the bag and found a curved needle and disintegrating thread.

I lifted up the bloodied shirt and saw a giant cut. It was shallow, but really long. I look at Andrew with an 'are you serious' look and he sets down a bloodied knife. I turn back and tread the needle. Sean looks really worried, but the others reassure him. I sew him back up and get him another shirt because I remembered what door he went through last night.

I help the others out, but when I get to Marvin, there's blood coming from under the mask. I lift my hand up to the mask, but he gently grabs my wrist and pulls my hand back down.

"I'll be fine, just don't pay any attention to that."

"I trust you. Now, any cuts?"

He lifts up the front of his shirt until his ribs and there are three demon marks. I hear Andrew nervously chuckle, but I stitch it up anyway. I stand up and turn to Andrew. He nervously chuckles and scratches the back of his neck, and I cross my arms in front of my chest and give him 'the look'.

"You need to go to anger management."

"I've tried that, it only made me even more mad, I almost killed everybody in the room."

I raise my eyebrows and he chuckles. I turn back to the egos and Sean and they were gone. I turn back to Andrew, but he went demon again. I grab my necklace and he smiles. He walks towards me, but I back up. I back myself into a wall and he walks up to me until there's a foot between us.

"Andrew, this isn't funny."

"Oh, this isn't Andrew anymore, this is Anti, his demon side."

"Okaaayy. Anti, this isn't funny."

He waves his hand and a mysterious force pins my hands above my head. He comes up more until he's inches away from me. I feel colder, so I look down. He took off my sweatshirt to reveal my crop top, which also reveals all of my stomach.

 He puts his clawed hands on my waist and starts kissing my neck. He found my sweet spot but I kept it in, which made his aura get brighter. He kisses my collarbone, but I stayed there with a 'really' look. He pushes himself against me and I can feel him emit a purr from his chest.

"I know you like this, kitten. Don't hide it."

"You're just an incubus. Got it."

 He goes back to my neck until he takes the force away from my hands. I looks at me and I feel my eye twitch. He smirks and I grab his bottom jaw forcefully. I let go and push him away from me. His aura goes away as he falls on his ass. I crouch down next to him and grab his bottom jaw again.

"Listen. Learn to control that demon side of yours, and maybe I'll trust you." I let go of his jaw and walk out the door with him calling for me to wait. I turn down my street and go to my house to read, write, do anything.

*Andrew's POV* Shocker

"(y/n)! (Y/n) wait!"

She closed the door and I put my face into the carpet. I fucked up. Badly. She doesn't trust me anymore, and she probably hates me. The one time I trust my demon side, he has to do something to make my life a living hell and push away the only person who I love and who gets me the most. I hear footsteps come up beside me, but I didn't care who it was. They crouched by me and I slightly turned my head. It was Sean. I groan and turn my head back and close my eyes so the tears couldn't come out. I hear him sigh and walk away. But I hear him say something before he leaves.

"You need to make it up to her, and fast. One of the others might get her, like me." I shoot up and I see that he's at the door. I glitch him in his recording room and lock the door. I go over to her house only to see...

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