Meeting Them

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I slowly regained consciousness. I felt something hard, but soft under me and I heard muffled voices. I tried to open my eyes, to move, but it didn't work. After a little bit, the voices became clearer, and the soft thing felt like carpet. I opened my eyes, but closed them quickly. I saw a bunch of men in a circle beside me, talking to- him. Great, they're in on the kidnapping thing too.

I heard one walk up to me, So I acted like I was still asleep. All of them were by me now, So I thought about what to do. I suddenly lept up and pointed my gun at one of them. They looked like they were dead. He put his hands up and so did the rest of them, except the one who kidnapped me. I pointed my gun at his... baby maker and his face went from sly to fear. He put his hands over his crotch and I laughed.

"You think that will stop a bullet," I said to his face.

"We don't want to hurt you, just put the gun away please," The one with a deadpool looking suit and- A Sam! I put the gun back and all of them relaxed. I went up to the guy with the Sam and he introduced all of them.

"I'm Jackie, this is Henrik, that's Marvin, That's JJ, that's Chase, that's Robbie, and that's Anti." I nodded and waved to them. I turned back to Jackie and I looked at the Sam. He chuckled and whispered something to the Sam. Sam floated to me and cuddled in my arms. I gently squeezed it and nuzzled it with my cheek. Jackie chuckled and I introduced myself with Sam still in my arms.

"Well, I'm (y/n). Nice to meet you all, but why am I here?"

Jackie was about to say something, when the front door unlocked. All of them went in front of me and since I was shorter than them, I hid perfectly. I still had Sam in my arms when I heard a voice.

"Hey guys..... why are you- nevermind."

He walked to me and Sam lightly squealed. The man pushed through them and his eyes landed on me with Sam. I awkwardly smiled and he rounded up all of the others and told me to stay there. I nodded and they left the room. I looked around and I was in a living room. I went over and sat on the huge couch with Sam. 

I let him go and he floated over to a remote. He picked it up with his optic nerve and handed it to me. I thanked him and he cuddled in my one arm while I flipped through the channels. I stopped at a good channel that we both liked and watched it until they came back. I turned off the tv and Jackie told me the other man's name.

"Well, (y/n), this is our creator, Sean. and before you ask us 'what do you mean', we're his egos."

I nodded and I heard all of their stomachs rumble. I chuckled and Sam chirped. Sean pulled out his phone but I stopped him.


"What have you guys been eating lately?"

They went silent and I sighed.

"It's been pizza," Marvin said.

"I'll make something, but I have no idea where anything in this house is." Sean offered to help and I accepted. We walked to the kitchen and I went to the pantry. I got pasta and put it on the counter. I went to the fridge and miraculously, they lived on pizza. There was barley anything except cookie dough. I closed the fridge and Marvin was right there. I jumped and he apologized.

"Sorry. I see you found out why we live on pizza, huh."

"Yeah, I was going to make 'one pot chicken alfredo' but since the only thing in the fridge is cookie dough, that may be canceled."

He put his hand up and snapped his fingers. I looked over to the counter and all of the ingredients were there. I started making the dish with Marvin. Well, more like I taught him how to cook, as well with Sean. They watched as I went around the kitchen, cutting things up, putting things in the pot, washing things, the usual stuff.


"IT'S DONE!" I screamed up the stairs to them. I stepped out of the way as all of them practically flew down the stairs. They raced to the dining room and sat down. Sam was already there, waiting. He didn't want to leave me alone, so I let him float over my shoulder while I was cooking. I set the pot down and they wolfed it down once I had some on my plate. I made Sam some special food for him and he was just like the other guys. 

I was done last, but none of them got up to help. I got up and took all of the dishes and the pot and started the dishes. Sean offered to help, but I told him to go to bed because it was 9 pm already. I heard him go up to the rooms and close a door, so I put on some 'soft' music. What I mean by that is the volume is soft, what did you expect, Mozart? No. I, an intellectual, put on Soundgarden.

I washed the last plate and stacked it in the cupboard, when someone tapped my shoulder. I turned and it was Marvin. He looked tired, but also awake. He yawned and rubbed his eye and mask, so I asked.

"Marvin, what are you doing up so late," I asked in the best mother voice possible. I was good at it.

"Well, (y/n), I can't sleep." I then remembered that I don't sleep.

"I can't help with that, sorry. But, if you are willing, I'm going to go for a run in 20 minutes. Are you going to join me?"

"Sure, but-"

"Just get your other clothes on, I'll tell you later," I cut him off. He went up to his room and I looked around for my bag. Sure enough, it was in the living room where I was before. And Sam was sleeping on it. I went up to it and picked up Sam. He didn't wake up, so I put him on the couch. I went back and got out my sleeping outfit, (HD tank top and black short shorts) and went to the bathroom. I knew where everything in the first floor was, so I could navigate in pitch black.

I got my stuff on and went back out to the bitch black. I made my way back and dug around in the small compartment in the front of the bag. I found a glow in the dark hair tie and did my hair in the dark. A few minutes later, Marvin came down and he had a black tank top on with white basketball shorts.

"Ready," I asked while getting on my shoes that were at the front door.

"Yup," he said as quietly as possible.

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