Anti's Name

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I get home from the walk and I was met with a happy Sam. I chuckled and he hovered over my shoulder. I went to the kitchen and got out eggs, milk, ham, green bell peppers, onions (sorry if you don't like vegetables in an omelette) and cheese. I went over and got a pan and started to make two omelettes.


I finished making my omelette when Marvin walked out still in his running outfit. I set both breakfasts on the table and he sat down. Before I could even sit down, he finished it. I finished mine and I put the dishes in the dishwasher. It had stopped raining at about 3 am, but everything was still soaked. I sighed when I opened the door to see all of the egos, and Sean, there. Marvin came up and they all started asking questions.

"Where were you?!"

"Why did you leave?!"

"Where did you two go?!"

Blah blah blah. I didn't answer any questions. I just pushed through the sea of egos and started jogging down the road to their house. I heard footsteps behind me, so I ran faster. They didn't cease, so I did a dead run. I was going to make them think that I was going to escape, so I went down the hiking trail to the beach. 

I was having a blast, jumping over small rocks, propelling myself on tree roots and stumps, hearing their yells for me to come back, I loved it. When I saw the sand, I slowed down. I took a sharp turn and sat in the sand beside a tree. Moments later, I saw all of them run straight out and look around. I crossed my legs and waited for one of them to find me. Sam was the one to find me, and the Jackie. He sat, well, laid beside me and caught his breath. Sam cuddled in my arms while I waited for the others. Jackie sat up and he talked.

"You can run really fast. How?"

"Well, I had a lot of practice. I was in track and cross country when I was younger, and I always got first for everything running related. I also have a lot of stamina."

"Wow. Just wow. One question, where did you go last night? I mean, you went to your house, but why?"

"This is kind of hard to explain, but I have insomnia. I go for walks and runs when it gets dark outside. I have had insomnia ever since.... I'll tell you later."

The other egos and Sean spotted us and they walked to us. Chase skidded in the sand right by me and did the sexy pose. I laughed and he winked, which made everybody jealous. Sam squealed and I decided to ask about him.

"So, I have two questions. What is Sam, and why does he love me so much?"

Sean was the first one to answer.

"Well, if you know his name, then you know what he is."

"I know he's an eyeball, but why is he green?"

"Hold on," Jackie said, "Are you a fan?"

"What, no. I have no idea what you mean by that."

"You don't know who Sean is, nor any of us," Jackie asked

"Nope, but I know who Sam is. It's Jacksepticeye's mascot. The only reason I know this is I was at PAX and I got Sam and Tim plushies."

"I'm Jacksepticeye, (y/n)," Sean said. I stayed calm and he seemed a little surprised. I got up and stuck out my hand.

"Nice to meet you, Jacksepticeye. I'm (y/n)." He shook my hand and we laughed. I started to walk back through the trail, when Anti glitched in front of me. I stopped and Sam went to Jackie. That was odd. He smiled and stepped aside. I walked ahead and he walked next to me. He abruptly started talking.

"Do you want to know my real name?"


"It's Andrew. I have one idea why Sean named me Antisepticeye, and that's for his channel, but I don't mind, because Anti's a badass name."

GORE WARNING! kind of.

"I had a brother named Andrew, but he died a year ago to this day. He died by being murdered. The say that it was an accident, but I think that someone coming into your house while you were sleeping and stabbing you 25 times along with your wife and kidnapping your two kids, later putting them up for ransom, getting the ransom, and then killing them on camera and sending the video to the police, keeping the ransom and committing suicide a day later is not a fucking accident. I guess having insomnia has it's perks."

Andrew stopped and I stopped too. He hugged me and I could smell...

Burning flesh.

I let go and he held his forearm. I looked at where he was holding it and my necklace had burned him. Twice. He awkwardly laughed and rubbed the back of his neck. I dropped his arm and he looked into my eyes.

"Don't take it the wrong way, but I'm a demon. But I'm not a bad demon, the demon part of me is who you should be afraid of, I'm not nearly as bad as him."

"I grew up staying away from demons and staying away from the house that I am going to go back to, you better not let that demon out, otherwise I will be gone in a flash. You got that?"

He nodded and we walked back to their house. I went in and Sam went to my bag. I went over to it and he wrapped his optic nerve around the handle of my gun. I smiled and got out a random outfit and went to the bathroom. I picked out the outfit with the black and red swirled crop top and black jeans.

 As I got on my crop top, someone knocked on the door. I got on my shoes and opened the door. It was chase with my gun in his hand and Sam floating above his shoulder. He gave me the gun and Sam hovered over my shoulder. He had his Nerf gun in his other hand and I chuckled as he pointed it at Andrew. He shot it and it popped him right in the back of the head. Andrew turned around and he was glowing. He saw me and his glow instantly stopped. I knew it was his demon because only demons glow. I turned back to Chase and he was egging him on. I made him lower his Nerf gun and I explained why.

"Chase, you shouldn't egg on your brothers by shooting them."

"Why? It's fun."

"Because if Anti does demon, then I leave."

His face went from a smile to surprised.

"Do you know his real name?"

"Yes, he told me while we were walking back."

"None of us know his real name."

I was surprised that none of his brothers know his real name. I shrug in my head and offer something that I can't miss.

"You want to go shooting at the range?"

"Hell yeah! Let me get my gun!"

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