The Run

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I knew where to go. I knew this house, where thy lived because my mom said that I could never go around this house, now I'm in the house. I used to take runs as a child from my house to here until....nevermind.


I turned to Marvin and smiled.

"Yeah, I zone out a lot. Might want to get used to it."

He nodded and we went out the door. I stated walking, while he straight out jogged. I chuckled and turned down the worn down street when he wasn't looking. I could hear him dead out stop, so I walked a bit slower. I could hear footsteps behind me and I saw Marvin come up beside me. We walked in a comfortable silence until I turned down my street.

 I started a dead run, for fun to my house. I could hear him yelling, but I didn't stop. I got to my house and stopped by my door. He came up five minutes later, panting really hard, while me, not panting or breathing hard at all. I pulled my house key out of my hair and unlocked the door. I went in and flipped on the lights. Marvin was still outside, so I dragged him inside and went to my room.

I got to my room and opened the door. I smiled at the fact that it was untouched. I closed the door and got my small backpack. It was a Czech army small rucksack. I'm a fan for the vintage stuff, so when my father got me that, I loved it. 

I went to my drawers and opened the undergarments drawer. I grabbed as many as I needed and put them in. I closed it and went to my closet. I opened it and found more sweatshirts. I folded and put them in. Even though it was a small backpack, I could take it camping and have clothes in it for a month and not wear the same thing twice. 

I got out pants and put them in. I closed it and turned around. Anti was right there. I jumped and he slammed me to the wall. He put a knife to my throat and I stood there, not shocked, just disappointed.

"What are you doing here, kitten," he said with his glitchy voice. I rolled my eyes as I talked.

"What do you think?"

"Escaping from us, kitten." My head hurt but I didn't let him see it. I scoffed and his smile faltered.

"No, dumbass. Marvin couldn't sleep so I went for a run with him and we ran to my house. You need to get a brain that isn't corrupted, glitch bitch. And don't call me kitten."

He let go of me and I pushed him out of my room. I locked the door and put t-shirts and long sleeves in the bag. I was about to unlock the door, when I heard a clap of thunder and rain pour on the roof. I sighed and got my raincoat from the closet. I put on my backpack and then the raincoat, and unlocked the door. I opened it and Anti was downstairs waking up Marvin, who was asleep on my couch. 

I chuckle and open the door to go outside. Anti perks up and glitches to me. He looks outside and shivers. I hand him an extra raincoat and he puts it on. I point to Marvin and he shakes his head. I shrug and go outside into the pouring rain. Anti shuts off the lights and closes the door. I pull the key from my hair and lock the door. 

I put the key back and Anti looks confused. I don't answer. Instead, I start a dead run. He catches up and I stay the same pace. He grows tired, but I have the stamina and the fastness of a five year old. He falters back and I slow down, because we were at the house already. I go up and open the door. Anti and I come in soaking wet from the rain. I close the door once Anti comes in and he collapses on the couch after taking off the raincoat. I take off my raincoat and Sam instantly cuddles in my arms.

I hear Anti snoring, so I decide to go back out. I set my bag down and get on my raincoat once more. I open the door and step out quietly. I close the door and Sam goes beside my head in the hood. I chuckle and start walking to my house. Sam squeals a little when I unlock the door and go in. Marvin was on the floor, sleeping with his legs on the couch and one arm on the coffee table and the other arm on the couch. 

I pull out my phone and turn to Bleed by Meshugga. I put the phone up all the way and put it on the coffee table, which was glass, and press play. Marvin jumps up and goes defensive. His eyes were glowing and his ears on his mask were glowing a well. I turn off the music and laugh my ass off. His eyes and ears stop glowing, but his cheeks go red. I grab my phone and signal him to come with me. He does and I lead him to the guest bedroom. I open it and he gasps.

"What," I ask as he sits on the bed.

"A good bed. And no, we aren't deprived of anything. I haven't been on such a good bed in all of my life. Thank you for letting me stay here."

"No problem. I'm going to walk some more. Goodnight."

"Wait. Why?"

I sigh and lean on the doorframe.

"I'm an insomniac. And my motto: Insomniacs never rest."

"Alright. Well, goodnight (y/n)."

"Goodnight, Marvin."

I close the door and put my hood up. Sam was sleeping on the couch, so I go out and walk through the night. I get some weird glances some of the time, but I return the glance and they leave me alone.

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