Target Practice

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He dashed upstairs and came back down with a Ruger Single Six convertible .22 revolver. He had a full box of bullets and I got mine. Sean went wide-eyed and rushed over to us.

"What are you doing with that?!"

"I'm going to the range with (y/n). Don't worry, I won't try to do it again."

"Okay, I trust both of you."


I put my gun in my back pocket and he put the gun in a holster that magically appeared. I put the bullets in my other back pocket and he put his under his hat. I laughed as a couple fell out. He put them back under his hat, but they kept falling out. I caught them and put them in my front pocket. He laughed and I saw the shooting range. I saw my friend who worked there, (s/f/n), and waved. They ran up to me and gave me a huge hug. I hugged back and when they let go, they saw Chase and nearly died.

"Oh my god! You're Chase Brody! I love the trick shots you do!"

"Why, thank you. I have never met a fan before."

"So are you here to do target practice, or just look adorable?"

"I actually came here with (y/n) to do some shooting."

They let us in, no charge and we went to the targets. I got some ear plugs for the both of us and (s/f/n) let me borrow some sunglasses. I got my gun out and loaded it. I had one ear plug in so I could hear Chase in case if he did or said something. I loaded it and put the ear plug in and sunglasses on. Chase had the ear plugs in and he was aiming. I saw that he was a little off, so I let him shoot. He was a ring away. He shot until he was done and I stepped up to the other one. 

I hit it in the bulls eye every single time. May I remind you that an SR22 is small an hard to aim, so if I hit a bulls eye even once, I'm very happy. I turn to Chase and he looks very surprised. I load again and he does the same.

"Want to switch," he asks.

"Hell yeah! This gun barely has a kick, so using your gun will be nice."

We switched and he did pretty badly. I did really good, even though it was heavier. I gave back his gun and he aimed low. I couldn't help it, so I went over to him and pushed the gun up a little. He fired and he hit the bulls eye. I smiled as he fired again. I could tell that he was enjoying himself, but why wasn't he before? I was snapped out of my thoughts by him asking something.



"What are you thinking about?"


"Come on, you can tell me."

"I can see that you're enjoying yourself here, but why not when you're with your brothers?"

"Look, I am enjoying myself here, but...."

"If someone is hurting you, I will help as much as I can."

"You might want to take my gun." I took his gun and he continued.

"I was married once. I was married to a woman named Stacey and we had two adorable kids, Lucy and Sammy. As your friend said, I do trick shots for a living and I make money off of them. But for Stacey, it wasn't a 'job to support a family'. We separated and she took the kids with her. I fell into depression and started drinking. We got divorced and she got full custody and I only get a weekend a month, no holidays." 

He lowered his head and I put my hand on his shoulder. He lifted his head and my face was a deadpan. He looked a little taken back by my face, but he smiled. His gun shook in my hand. I was so angry, why would that bitch do that to him? He opened his mouth, but I turned around and put his gun up to the target. He only used two bullets, so I could take my anger out on this target. I fired and my wrist locked the gun in place. I hit it straight on and I pulled the hammer back. I fired and it went in the exact spot the other one was, making no hole.

I was done with the shooting because my wrists hurt. I was used to using my cute self defense gun, but Chase's gun was heavy. I cracked my wrists and gave back the sunglasses. (s/f/n) took them and waved to both of us as we walked out. I could tell that Chase was happier just by doing that. Not that happy, but doing that took a little dread off of his chest.

We went back to the house and I opened the door to see...

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