A Walk

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*(Y/N)'s POV*

I went inside my house, but stopped when I saw a familiar shadow.

"Nope," I said as I closed my door and walked to the beach. I got there, only to see that it was packed full of people. I turned around and walked to the park. It was also packed full. I turned around, only to be met with Andrew. I growled and pushed past him. I went back to my house and walked to my workspace. I sat down at the desk, but Andrew sat on my desk where there was an open spot, which was in front of me.

"Can we talk," he asked. I put on my headphones and shook my head.

"Does it look and sound like I want to talk to you?" I deadpanned. He sighed and got up. 

"I know you don't want to talk to me, but just know that I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything that I did. I trusted my demon side, but he.. I let him do that to you. If I can make it up to you, I will, but you're probably ignoring me right now." 

I took off my headphones and hugged him around the neck. He hugged me back and he made a small purr emit from his chest. I let go and he had a small aura around him. I took a step away from him and his aura went away. I sat back down and pulled up a video that Robin didn't have time to edit. 

Andrew sat down on the floor and crossed his legs while looking at my back wall. I hear him get up and grab something from a shelf. I glance over to him and I see that he picked up a trinket that Robin gave me for my birthday. It was a demon-like creature with red wings, blood red hair, and black eyes. It had a black t-shirt on with dark blue jeans and tennis shoes and it was posed like it was going to drive something into the ground or punch that something. Andrew set the trinket back down and sat back down by me, like a dog. I turn back to the laptop and start the editing.


I was finally done. I shut my laptop and look at the clock. 1 am. I hear Andrew snore softly beside me, so I get up and close the door to my workspace. I get on another sweatshirt from my closet and walk out into the warm-ish night. I walk to the beach and see that a few stragglers were still there. I decide to go to the egos and see if anyone would like to spend this evening with me, because I'm a lonely girl.

 I step up to the doorstep and open the door. I look in to see the one and only Chase drinking whiskey. I close the door and walk up to him, sitting down in front of him. He looks up and I grab the whiskey from the table and another glass. I pour a glass and down it in front of him. I pour another and set it down. I look back and he's laughing so hard that his face was pink. He calms down and takes another sip from his glass.

"I've never laughed that hard in years. Thank you."

"You're welcome."

I sip my drink and look out the window. I then remember what I was going to do I get up and walk out the door with Chase following next to me. We talk until he yawns.



I walk back to the house and Chase passes out on the couch. I chuckle and Sam comes up to me and nuzzles himself in my arms. I chuckle again and quietly leave out into the dark street. I walked into the living room of my house and see that Andrew was sleeping on the couch. He was on his stomach, his head turned to the side, his one arm under his head and his other arm on the floor. I get a blanket and put it on him, and he faintly smiled.

I had nothing else to do, so I went back to my workspace. I pulled up a doc and started writing my thoughts, until one came up. I wonder if Sean has a studio? Well, I do, but one for recording. I get up and check the clock. 10 am. I nod in satisfaction and go downstairs to Andrew still sleeping on the couch. I shake him by the shoulder slightly and he groans. I roll my eyes and shake him a little harder. He opens his eyes and smiled.

"The only thing to get me up is coffee. Same for the others."

I go to the kitchen and get some Death Wish, but stop when I see Black Label by Devil Mountain Coffee Company. I only keep that because sometimes I don't get enough caffeine through Death Wish. I switch the coffees and make coffee for him. I get a mug out of the cabinet and pour some in with nothing else. I go back to the living room and see that he's gone back to sleep. I sigh and hold the cup under his nose. He inhales and shoots up, which made me jump. He looks at me, then the coffee, then back at me. I hand him the coffee and head a warning.

"Now, this coffee is the strongest coffee in the world with 1555 mg of caffeine in one cup, so if you can't handle that, I'll take that and drink it myself."

He raised his eyebrows and took a sip. His eyes went from tired, to almost demon-sided. I took a step back as his aura grew and he took another sip. He set the mug down on the coffee table and got up. I took another step back when he came towards me. He then stopped and gave me a confused look.

"Why am I all the way over here, and why do you look- oooohhhhh."

I take the coffee and put it back in the kitchen while I get the full bag of Biohazard Coffee for the others. I really don't like the texture of Biohazard Coffee, but maybe they will. I walk out the door with the coffee in the pocket of my hoodie and went over to Sean's house. I knocked on the door and JJ answered.

'Hello. Come on in (y/n).'

"Thank you, JJ."

He raised his eyebrows and closed the door, unsure if I actually knew what he was saying or not. I went into the kitchen and put the coffee in with the other coffee. I closed the cupboard door to see Robbie. I jump and he hugs me. I hug back and he says something under his breath, but I don't hear it. I was about to ask what he said, when someone put a hand on my shoulder.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2020 ⏰

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