Chapter 3

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I got my first reviews today so a big thanks to my best friend for the encouragement and to all of my friends, who was honest despite hating it. All reviews and flames are welcome.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything from any recognisable parts of this story. Percy Jackson isn't mine!

Hade's P.O.V

I didn't want to admit it but this kid scared me a little, he killed my best Fury and made friends with the fates. Maybe I was more than a little scared, but right now Poseidon came first. I followed him and Zeus into Zeus's room. Poseidon sat down on the bed and looked utterly lost.

"Are you okay?" I asked sitting down next to him, he laid his head down on my lap and shook his head.

"I don't like hearing these things. I don't like hearing about what me not being there has done to my son," he whispered. Zeus sat on the other side of him and started carding his hands through his hair.

"I know Darling" Zeus said uttering a pet name that he hadn't used in centuries, not since shortly after we arrived in England. "We'll make sure it's ok, we'll take care of you, Shh." He just lay there unseeingly and I hated it.

Poseidon was always like the sea, he is wildly untameable and a force of his own. He felt so much more than most feeling every emotion to the extreme, weather it was happiness and joy, or sadness and pain. It was sort of like a divine bi-polar, and sometime it tore him apart and not matter how much we fight or how much people think or say we hate each other he'll always come to us and the thing that almost killed me is watching the effort he put in to make sure nobody noticed.

"Don't worry brother, we'll take care of you," I crooned, kissing his temple. He forced a smile and it tore at my heart.

"I know you will, both of you. You always do," he said in a harsh whisper. We stayed like that until it was time to read again. Dionysus picked up the book and started to read.

I woke up an hour later and from the way they jumped I gathered that they weren't expecting it. The blonde princess type girl looked particularly annoyed. Which irritated me, Grover looked relieved that I was ok.

"He should have been out for a few days at least" Poseidon said surprised. I wasn't sure but I figured he'd know, shared waterpowers and all. I eyed him carefully, he looked fine but he's quite capable of hiding his emotions.

"I told you so" I told him, he just looked down like he expected me to steal blondies knife, if he realised that she had one. "I'm not planning on slicing and dicing you"

"How did he even know that she had a knife?" Athena questioned she annoyed me. She had an arrogant streak a mile wide. As if she's the only smart person around.

"Why not, I said it would be safe here" he said, "And your Moms dead" he stared at the poor guy.

"Poor guy?" Zeus muttered irritated, "His Mom just died and he feels sorry for the fucking goat." As mean as that was he had a point.

"Where exactly did you gain the absolute power to change a fixed point?" I rattled off almost unaware of what I was saying. They looked confused, inwardly I cringed, wrong people to start talking temporal manipulation, exceedingly basic and vague claim or not.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa.... Temporal manipulation... fixed points? What the fuck?" Ares said confused and then he froze and shivered.

"What?" I asked looking at him. He just shook his head.

"You really don't want to know, I have a.... hunch, I just hope I'm wrong" he responded. Nobody bothered to try and get it out of him they knew he wouldn't tell us.

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