Chapter 5

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 Disclaimer: I don't own anything from any recognisable parts of this story. Percy Jackson isn't mine! A big thank you to all my reviewers. Warning: incest, swearing ECT. Ect.

Poseidon's P.O.V

I was freaking out, badly between what I was reading and what Ares said. I was having trouble remembering how to breathe right, but I couldn't let it show. Not here, I just wanted to curl up in between my brother's. Where everything would be all right, but I couldn't have that at the moment so I sat quietly and steeled myself for the next chapter.

Having Blondie, sorry Annabeth show me around wasn't my idea of a perfect afternoon, but it beat... well actually it beat nothing I was trying to look on the bright side, and there actually was one. I don't see Lyra worshiping anybody Gods or not, but she did have some really strange traditions and I suppose I learnt them from her. Gold coins for the dead to pay the ferryman, putting a portion of her food into a fire 'For the watchers of the world, everything they've done to help us and everything they've fucked up', thanking the Gods, always plural, always mixing in ancient Greek every other word of phrase until in was an even blend of that and what ever other language we were speaking at the time and other things like that.

"I don't understand how she can know all that and teach it to him, actually come to think of it he can't have gone travelling with my daughter. She's only six" Hera said shakily. I swallowed down panic.

"But she sounded older, it said she was older" Zeus said, and then he realized what his wife said and asked depressed, "Six year's old, it was only six years ago when you cheated on me?" I wanted to hold him but I forced myself stay seated. Hades looked like he wanted to hurt her to.

She must have learnt them all from here, which made me less dependent on people like Annabeth. I still listened carefully to her as she pointed everything out, the dinning pavilion, the stables, arena and other things like that. When in doubt, know your way out.

"Rule 37, rule 1 cardio. You kid knows how to survive a zombie apocalypse Poseidon" Apollo said cheerily. I was going to douse him but Artemis had already shot him with an arrow.

"Enough Apollo" she sighed.

I was actually managing to enjoy myself as Annabeth explain about how the Gods follow the western civilisation, it explained a lot. "You don't even seem to care that your Dad's out there" Annabeth said, "You act like it doesn't even matter" I sighed and thought about how to explain it to someone like her.

"What is that supposed to mean" Athena shrieked, I was more concerned with the fact that my son may not care about me and I wanted him to. I wanted to be a good Father.

"It could mean anything Athena, shut up and listen if you want an answer," Hades drawled in a bored tone. I shot him a thankful look.

"That's because it doesn't matter, not to me. It's kind of like he never cared before so why does it matter now? I'd say I hate him but that would mean bringing myself to care that he exists. I more concerned with getting back my Mom," I said quietly. She looked almost like somebody had slapped her in the face.

I felt like some had slapped me in the face, with a shovel, everyone was looking at me with pity and it really didn't help. My stomach swirled vengefully and my head killed. You're a bad Father, no wonder he doesn't care a tiny voice in the back of my head screamed, you'd probably disgust him, nobody loves you. I faked a sigh of irritation and pulled my knees up to my chest to hide the way I was digging my fingernails into my stomach.

"Your Moms dead, you can't just go get her back and your Dad's a God, you shouldn't talk about the Gods like that," she said. Oh how quaint, people have told her things like that her whole life. The dead always stay dead, you can't turn back time, there is nobody as powerful as the Gods and she believed them. In that moment I decided that I would look after her, Lyra would kill me if I didn't, according to her family is the most important thing there is. The world would tear Annabeth apart if she ever got out there, I wouldn't let that happen to my little cousin.

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