Chapter 8

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Disclaimer: I own nothing that you can pick from any book, TV show or movie; and there are many. Bonus points and spoilers for those that can pick them out, there are four that I remember so far.

Zeus's P.O.V

My twelve-year-old nephew just killed Medusa and mailed us her body. That is just fucked. Not two ways about it, if I told you that I wasn't apprehensive about hearing when I met him I'd be lying. There were so many things about him that I didn't understand. Many of the things that Ares knew about him or where he'd been weren't explained and I got the feeling that we truly didn't want to know.

As much as I liked driving we ditched the truck as soon as we were able to because I refuse to drive around in something that is an almost exact replica of Bella's truck from Twilight. Which brings me to something completely off topic but equally important, don't fuck off immortal witches, they chain you to chairs and make you watch Twilight. Repeatedly. Damn New Orleans Animal house of Witches.

"What the hell" Hades said, "When did he go to New Orleans"

"I'm more concerned with the part were he'd pissed of immortal witches" Poseidon groaned, "What is Twilight?"

"A really bad book about a mortal girl that falls in love with a sparkly vampire" Athena said. Many people shuddered.

Anyway we were waiting for our train when Annabeth decided that we were going to see the arch. She doubted that she'd ever get the chance to again and looked ready to pitch a fit if she couldn't go.

"She should be more mature, also they need to get my bolt back... now!" I grumbled.

"Let the girl live a little, when was she going to get to see the arch again" Hermes said, "Anyone want to bet there going to be attacked?" Nobody was stupid enough to take him up on that bet.

"Look at the structure" she said pointing out random the random things about supports and such. "I'd make the floors see through though and..." on she went. For three hours.

"Wow, she knows a lot" Apollo said, "I like what she does with Olympus"

"Why does she need to do anything with Olympus" Hera asked. He just shook his head and put his fingers to his mouth.

"Spoilers" he said. I hate when he does that, there couldn't be another person that is that annoying ever.

"You want to be an architect don't you?" I asked, trying to picture her sitting and drawing all day. On the other side of things she defiantly had the knowledge. I only understood what she was saying was because I was who got sent to tear stuff down, in the I wonder what those metal fragments in that crater are? kind of way.

"He takes after his Dad then" Athena said spitefully. Damn, now they were going to fight worse than usual to prove that they really don't like each other. Why can't they just pretend to get along.

"So" she said defensively, "My Mom expects her children to create things, not just tear them down like a certain God of earthquakes." I shrugged my shoulders.

"He's not going to get mad at that" Artemis asked pensively.

"But she's right" Poseidon said, "So why would he be mad."

"Because boys are stupid," She replied. The Gods would argue with her but the Goddesses would back her up and I don't want her to like boys. The only boy she'd ever been in love with was her twin brother. That turned into a cluster fuck when a couple of magical mortals got jealous, bottom line if she couldn't have him she'd have no man at all. He slept around a lot but no one matched up. But were getting of topic now.

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