Chapter 11

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 Disclaimer; I own nothing, except my triple cheeseburger and you can't have that. The Gods finally meet Percy, dun-dun-da.

Zeus's P.O.V

That was one of the funnier chapters and for that I was grateful, it was better than the chapter before. I was a little more nervous about what was going to happen next. We were going to meet Percy Jackson... and I don't know if this was a good thing or a bad thing.

"Percy Jackson you will get you ass here right now" Hestia said threateningly into her phone. There was a pause while the person on the other end spoke before she said, "Time War... get here now." There was a flash of light and a man about twenty years old stood in front of Hestia.

"Hello Tia" he said, he was middle height, black hair, green eyes and looked like Poseidon. Which is to say gorgeous. Percy Jackson, Hestia sprung up and hugged him, threw a fireball at him that didn't seem to do anything to him and hugged him again.

"You stupid idiot, why didn't you ever tell me about the Time War?" she whispered, "You're my best friend, you had to know I'd have your back." He tightened his grip on her.

"Oh Tia, the things I've seen... I wouldn't drag anyone into that" he whispered, "Not of my own free will. Now I think you family are staring at us, so you better introduce me to them and Tia, how did you find out about the Time War?"

"The book" Hestia said giving it to him, "It's the future... its you're future." He placed it on the table frowning.

"Spoiler's Tia" he told her, "I don't want to know... think about it would you want to know exactly what was coming for you?" He sounded so serious before his face spilt into a grin, "Nah, bit like watching the movie before reading book" he said cheerfully.

"If my life were as much of a cluster fuck as yours probably not" Hestia said matter of factly, "You still need to explain about it though."

"Explain my life to random strangers darling?" he looked at us and then sighed, "Their not random strangers are they, sometime I hate time travel." His tone of voice could only be described as darkly amused.

"Nope, so spill" she demanded. He sighed but gave in, I would have to Hestia is really stubborn when she wants to be.

"I indulged in time travel, got separated from my designated driver, wound up on another planet, accidentally ended up fighting in the biggest war... ever" he recited dutifully with a grin. "Now, not that it's lovely to see you but I left my daughter on her own and if I don't get back she'll break into my lab"

"You... you have a daughter?" Poseidon question with a smile. Percy turned to face him rummaging around in his pockets for a something. His am disappeared into the tiny looking pockets up to above the elbow.

"Bigger on the inside" he said smiling, Athena's eyes narrowed.

"How?" she demanded impatiently.

"Oh, easy just take the parameters of your basic volume space, fold the spatial matrices in on itself and use a standard sonic pulse to loop the signal back into the neuron flow and reverse the polarity" he explained, "Simple. Ah, here it is." He threw a photo of a five to seven-year-old girl at Poseidon as Athena stared at him blankly, having not understood a word he'd said.

"Cute" he said looking at the photo of his granddaughter, who admittedly was adorable, actually she look a little like... I shook myself, it didn't matter.

"She's six, her name is full name is Rhealandovolrani Sally-Ann Grace Jackson. Everyone just calls her Rani though," he said with pride, "She's a genius, and my lab only has a billion combination lock. Plus if her Mother gets home and I'm not there" he shuddered, "Not good, at all"

Freaking out the gods pjoHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin