Chapter 13

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 Disclaimer: I don't own anything, not even this sandwich... especially not this sandwich.... Jokes. I'm running out of chapters people, someone tell me they want a sequel! Anyway, verbally abused Gods await... read on.

Poseidon's P.O.V

The last chapter really gave me something to think about, enough to make me want to take my meds. I didn't like taking them though, I like to feel but today I'd made an exception. We'd underestimated people, Ares for certain. He hadn't come back sober, in fact he'd brought what was left of the bottle of tequila back just in case. I understood that, unfortunately our hour was up. If it hadn't been I would have gone to talk to Zeus after his talk with Hera, he had that look. The one that said that something had changed, but he couldn't figure out if it was good or bad yet. Hera picked up the book.

I love the New York. It's probably the only place in the world that you can walk into a building carrying a lightning bolt and smack the man behind the desk with it and not have anyone ask annoying questions. Well that was probably the mist, but it's still cool I thought to myself as I walked through Olympus.

"Remind me to give security a raise" Zeus muttered amused.

"Yeah, getting smacked around with that has got to hurt" Apollo said amused, I suppressed a snort.

Olympus had to be one of the most beautiful places I'd seen. Well top twenty at least exotic alien planets topped it. It was weird, there was supposed to be a war of the Gods if I didn't get the bolt back in twenty minutes, why was everyone walking around happily?

"Exotic alien planets?" Hermes asked smiling, "I'd like to see some of those"

"I have" Hestia responded, I wonder if I'd ever be in a good enough relationship with my son to ask about that. Probably not, he hates me. Or rather doesn't care one way or the other about me. At the moment I think that's worse.

The God were in council, or rather we standing around arguing, does that count? Do you now how when demi-gods visit the Gods are all giant looking? Intimidation tactic, they just as big as ordinary people. Dramatic bastards.

There was a pause of silence where everybody stared at Zeus as if to say I told you so.

"Okay, fine.... I may be a little dramatic," he said... well, dramatically.

"Hello" I yelled into the din. They didn't hear me, I yelled again before restoring to a tried and true New York tactic. The cab whistle. They froze and looked at me.

"Anybody else feeling embarrassed" Artemis asked, "Us not noticing like that, even though he was yelling at us"

"We need to cut that crap out, especially since the kids got Dieumort's" Ares said slowly in an effort not to slur.

"You realise I've been standing here yelling at you for five minutes right?" I asked. They all froze, and some of the ones with less arrogance actually blushed.

"There are some of us without arrogance?" Hestia asked in staged wonder.

"No" Hera said, "It definitely said less arrogance"

This of course all lasted a second before somebody decided to open their mouth. Let me tell you something, when beings that haven't had anyone but himself or herself have the balls to interrupt them they have a tendency to do one thing.... Monologue.

"Why are you all looking at me" Zeus burst out before pointing at Hades and saying childishly, "Hades does it to"

"Oh, get a grip brother" Hades said over the laughter that filled the room.

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