Chapter 10

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 Disclaimer: I don't own, if I did Percy would be gayer, in a good way. I've decided that somewhere in the middle of this chapter we'll take a break from angst, so have a Lotus flower and relax.

Poseidon's P.O.V

Time war, the words swirled vengefully in my head, I didn't know a lot about it but somehow my son was involved. Shivers racked through my body, it sounded worse than hell and I wanted my son to be safe. I wasn't sure, but did I even have a right to care about him this much, I haven't even seen him since he was a baby.

"Does anyone else know" Ares asked quietly on the way back, "About where you've been?" I pondered if I should tell him, sighing I decided I should.

"I'd say good, but he vowed not to tell us. So we wont benefit from the information," Athena said coldly. Sometimes I wish she could just not speak.

"Athena, shut up" Hades said, noticing my irritation.

"Two other demi-gods, Lyra Black, any version of her over fifteen. Warning about her, she doesn't do things in linear time, the one that belongs in this time is six but her older self likes to visit," I warned, "And Richard Castle"

"No, no, no, no" Apollo muttered, "Please, please not Rick." I felt for him, Hera and I were probably the only ones to know exactly how he feels.

"The writer" He said surprised. I nodded; we spent most of the rest of the ride in silence. I think that I might have scared him; well I scared me to most of the time. I still couldn't figure out what was wrong with Ares, and I knew I should have known. Stupid chameleon arch, it scrambled my brain and more importantly my memories.

"What's a chameleon arch?" Hephaestus asked in wonder.

"Does it really matter right now?" I asked, desperate to get to the part of the story where we didn't hear about any of... this.

"Thanks for the help kid" Ares said when we got back to the diner, "There is you're lift." He pointed to a moving van that had 'Humane Kindness International Zoo Transport: WARNING LIVE ANIMALS' written on it. "Here" he said passing me a backpack I opened it. There was food, money (Mortal and non-mortal) and a bag of double-stuffed Oreos.

"You gave them double stuffed Oreos?" Hermes asked chuckling.

"Oreos are good" Ares said shrugging, anyway.

"Thank you Lord Ares" Annabeth said. He smirked; I guess he was just happy to be around somebody with a reasonable fear of incineration.

"Yes, because Gods forbid anybody become afraid of incineration and certain death" Hera said laughing.

"Did she just crack a joke?" Apollo whispered. I shook my head, idiot.

"What about my Mom" I asked moving forwards, with Chelsea-like intention. He sighed.

"Yes" Hermes yelled, "Chelsea-like intentions." We all looked at him in confusion, "Chelsea in my kleptomaniac daughter." A resounding oh made it's way through the throne room.

"She's not dead," he said. I cursed under my breath obviously she wasn't dead. I was hoping for something a little more helpful and with that he got back on the bike and sped away.

"Well sorry I wasn't expecting you to know" Ares muttered under his breath. I raised my eyebrows at him.

"There something wrong with Ares" I said the moment he left.

"Really, what was you're first clue?" Hephaestus said sarcastically. Nobody bothered to say anything; I personally felt he was entitled to say what he wants about Ares. The man did steal his wife.

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